Acid_319 for County Executive

Bring back greatness of 2019 to the County Government!

Hello, I am former County Executive Acid_319. I served as County Executive from August 6th, 2018 to February 26th, 2019; as well as many other notably positions during that era of Firestone.

Today, I announce my official campaign for County Executive of January 2025.

During my rein as County Executive, we saw a wholesome political environment that ultimately lead to the expansion of County and Municipal governments we have today.

Back then, I would have never thought municipalities would get their own police departments in V2! It was so different back then…

:thought_balloon: What ideas do I have to offer? :thought_balloon:

Secret Handshakes :handshake:

I would like to see more secret handshakes used by deepstate government officials like myself. But to keep it a secret, we cant write it down! This will allow the government to operate more efficiently and with less paper shredding.

No cringe usernames :person_gesturing_no:

I will systematically remove every member of the county executive branch with a cringe username (this includes myself). But lets first start with xX_ and work our way up.

Better Flags :white_flag:

I will bring back the great flags and emblems I designed during my term in office. Of which only Arborfield references anything to currently. With the Rose JollyPopLolly created for it, still stands today!
I also have a nice header template.

Government Vehicles :red_car:

All Government Officials should get a vehicle paid by our tax payers. Not just State Officials. We will make sure to use overpriced parts from Military Suppliers. It will have a boom box for music.

Cool Maps :earth_americas:

If elected, I will make a cool map of v2 like iLordOfAviation had which was useful with all the street names and such. I will make it some way that it doesn’t disappear again- like all good ideas seem to do :frowning:

Conclusion :hourglass:

With the dismissal of Fire Chief MACK (took two tries), Sheriff Noctilate (overturned), and The Great Patchy Hunt, we all had a great fun time. I promise to re-create these glorious events in an even more spectacular fashion.

So lets bring it back! Sign your support today and just maybe, we can get on the ballot again!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on discord at Patchy319. You can also reply below, but I will count negative comments as a signature :slight_smile:

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literlly the best shit ive seen on this damn website, i support u hunny!!!.:slight_smile:

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omg support

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support, run it back

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patchy making a return??? SUPPORT

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Support so much

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finally someone who can bring some fun and action back

(Unbar him guys)

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Support, :disguised_face:

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it goes against every political belief i have to support this man but, by god is he funny
and tom is dumb

Former Right Honourable Governor Ash1835 of Firestone


Support and endorse we need more people like patchy in government

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yall we need ppl to support this, we need some change in this crusty place, everyone else is basic and skeleton

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Honestly, would probably be better than the current CE candidates.

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Sadly I dont think I will meet the extremely high signature requirement in time :frowning:

queen dw we can do a protest, it was clearly rigged yk

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