Ability to sell cars that you own



Ability to sell cars back to the dealership by clicking ‘‘sell car’’ or something like that

  • when you sell a car, you only get 80% of money back, or something like that, (like 60-80%)

yes please. i have so many cars that I don’t use


a car’s value depreciates 20% just by driving off the LOT


fact check = true

not a bad idea, a basic script and formula calculating the vehicle’s age and the amount of depreciation in which it has accrued over the time of ownership off the initial purchase value.

maybe a different percentage or formula could be used for each vehicle in order to better represent depreciation values

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ash, to let u know we would be very close to having negative car values then.

aka, while a good idea, i don’t see this occurring for v2


make a “lowest car value” like 1750 for the crown vic now if the deprecated value drops below a certain threshold then it will be 1750


thank you for your reply

wait v2 has v3 just been given up on

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I like this idea, but the problem I see with this is that new players won’t be able to understand Firestone system quick enough, allowing them to fall into the trap of buying a car & selling it, causing them to have not enough FSD for a vehicle.

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Can’t we cap depreciation to a certain percentage of the car’s selling price?

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Why not just make it simple, rather than base it on value and depreciation over time? It’s not like Firestone tracks purchase dates, cars don’t need engine repairs (based on wear and tear of the vehicle), and we don’t track mileage. Multiple repairs are done from shooting and flipping, but that’s about it.

Buy a Crown Victoria for $5,000? No matter how long you’ve had it, it sells at 20% off its value.



also maybe we could have it so that if you modify the vehicle in any shape or form it adds 20% off the cost of all the additional features.

using the Crown Victoria example, if u buy it off for 5k and its 20% value, (4k when selling,) if you painted it or added stripes etc., it adds $800 to the sell price (20% of $1000 for paint) adding up to $4800.

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We’ve had this chat a while ago and the ending has always been a no

The issue mostly comes up with all the custom plates people buy and how it’s done in v2 – we would pretty much scam you if this were a thing

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disable selling if you have a plate format that doesn’t match ###-??? or ???-###

give a warning to those who are buying w/ custom plate from now on + keep selling disabled for it



Its not happening, stop trying to make it happen

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