A Second Charter Amendment to Article IV, Section 6

A Second Charter Amendment to Article IV, Section 6

Preamble: Arborfield City Council sessions not held in-game are still subject to Article IV, Section 6’s clause that limits the duration of the session if the presiding officer is deemed to be absent for longer than fifteen (15) minutes, even if the session is held on discord or another legal venue not in-game where the expectation is that all councilpersons including the Presiding Officer (if they are one) are present once quorum is taken unless this status is changed either by themselves or extenuating circumstance (e.g. expulsion). This Charter Amendment seeks to alter the activity clause for sessions not held in game for quality-of-life purposes. Minor grammatical and syntax changes are also made.



This document shall be legally empowered and binding upon the completion of the process set out by the City Charter.


Should any part of this document be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.


Article IV, Section 6 of the Arborfield City Charter currently states:

“City Council sessions, or simply sessions, are meetings of the City Council to discuss
proposals, other actions, duties, and so on. Sessions may be presided over by the Mayor,
Deputy Mayor, or City Council Chairperson. The person presiding over a session is
referred to as the Presiding Officer. For a session to begin, a Presiding Officer must be
present, and only one person may serve as the Presiding Officer. A quorum of at least
half (1⁄2) of the incumbent Councilpersons, excluding the Presiding Officer, are required for a session to take place. If the number of Councilpersons present at a session falls below this quorum after the session has begun, the session may be halted for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes until a quorum is restored, or the session may be adjourned. If a quorum is not reached while the session has been
stopped for the maximum amount of time allowed, the session must be adjourned. If
the Presiding Officer is no longer present at a session after it has begun, the session
must be halted for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes until a Presiding Officer is present
again. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and City Chairperson may establish additional rules known as floor rules that must be followed by individuals attending sessions; these floor rules must be approved by the City Council with a simple majority vote. These floor rules may also be amended or repealed by any City Councilman but must receive a simple majority vote for them to be passed. Sessions of the City Council may be held in a ROBLOX game, on the City of Arborfield Discord, or in any other manner specified in the floor rules. All sessions and votes must be open to the public unless the City Council has voted to restrict access to
the session or vote.”


Article IV, Section 6 of the Arborfield City Charter shall be amended to state:

“City Council sessions, or simply sessions, are meetings of the City Council to discuss
proposals, other actions, duties, and so on. Sessions may be presided over by the Mayor,
Deputy Mayor, or City Council Chairperson. The person presiding over a session is
referred to as the Presiding Officer. For a session to begin, a Presiding Officer must be
present, and only one person may serve as the Presiding Officer. If the session is to be hosted a quorum of at least half (1⁄2) of the incumbent Councilpersons, excluding the Presiding Officer, are required for a session to take place. If the number of Councilpersons present at a session falls below this quorum after the session has begun, the session may be halted for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes until a quorum is restored, or the session may be adjourned. If a quorum is not reached while the session has been stopped for the maximum amount of time allowed, the session must be adjourned. If the Presiding Officer is no longer present at a session after it has begun, the session ̶m̶u̶s̶t̶ may be halted for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes until a Presiding Officer is present again or the session must be adjourned, if the respective session is held within a ROBLOX experience. Arborfield City Council sessions not held within a ROBLOX experience shall consider the Presiding Officer present for a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours after participation in an active session. If there is no activity in a session not held in-game from the Presiding Officer for the maximum amount of time, the session must be adjourned. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and City Chairperson may establish additional rules known as floor rules that must be followed by individuals attending sessions, these floor rules must be approved by the City Council with a simple majority vote. These floor rules may also be amended or repealed by any City Councilman but must receive a simple majority vote for them to be passed. Sessions of the City Council may be held in a ROBLOX ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶ experience, on the City of Arborfield Discord, or in any other manner specified in the floor rules. All sessions and votes must be open to the public unless the City Council has voted to restrict access to the session or vote.”


Councilman StormSmithBased


Councilman Noobsarentstupid

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