To the citizens of Firestone,
The Firestone Bureau of Investigation recently underwent a complete reform, in the hopes of improving its public image due to recent criticism. Director Maltinator’s approach attacked the wrong people, you see, the Assistant and Deputy Director were exempt from this reform. The Deputy Director, Markehabashi, is a 13 year old who doesn’t have a hot clue about his job, investigations, surveillance or leadership. Which begs the question, is he competent enough to fulfill his oath and serve as the Deputy Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation.
First, I’d like to clarify that this petition is for the removal of the Deputy Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation, Markehabashi, for his to incompetence. Incompetence, as defined by the Merriam Webster english dictionary is; inadequate to or unsuitable for a particular purpose and or lacking the qualities needed for effective action. To illustrate, Mark is unsuitable for his purpose as Deputy Director due to the fact he has very little knowledge of information pertaining to the Bureau in relation to investigations and surveillance. To add to this he recent contacted DoJ staff asking for a warrant on the Chief Public defender based on a picture which was photoshopped as a gag. If any qualified agent had conducted this investigation they would’ve unearthed that this was a gag. But, Mark contacted DoJ without doing an investigation and demanded a warrant ( Once Mr. Bar had show Mark that it was a gag he motioned for it to be nullified. This shows his inability complete the most basic of investigations when he’s supposed to teach agents how to investigate.
Secondly, whenever there we’re training sessions or classroom sessions they would always be hosted by the Director, Maltinator and Mark was always learning new information rather than teaching it. He is also lacking the leadership qualities and maturity required to be the 2nd in command of a department. Throughout my 3 weeks in the Bureau I never once saw Mark take the initiative to do something on his own or without the Director’s approval.
For these reasons I believe the Deputy Director of the Firestone Bureau of Investigation should be removed from his position.
Public Defender
Former Firestone Bureau of Investigation Special Agent in Charge
Former State Prosecutor