A Petition to Reform The Department of Justice

I don’t comprehend.


You clearly misinterpreted me.

I requested him to prove my bias towards iLord, and if he can’t I told him to be quiet, in a more sophisticated manner.


I would love to see that lmao


As a public official you shouldn’t be calling anyone a “bastard”. Very professional.


As a public official I am entitled to my free speech, thank you. If I wish to call someone a bastard, I may do so as it is my right.


Thats actually not freedom of speech sir, You would need to review it yourself.

Im 99% sure its against rules of conduct to be calling someone a “bastard”.



Firestone Forums has no relation to the ROBLOX Terms of Service, nor does the constitution apply here legally.

By free speech, I was referring to my actual free speech, given to me by the United States Constitution.


@DannyboyJurist @Straphos someone please watch this thread, it’s beginning to derail

personally i think the doj is fine
some changes can be made, but generally ok


I think the people running it needs to change, thats what I am petitioning for.

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Oh, I see what this is about.

You’re mad because you got removed from your position weeks ago.

Get over yourself.

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@DannyboyLawCan you do something about this guy? trying to derail my petition…

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You want us out because you’re not us.

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Would be nice if DPS / POST could do something if DOJ wasn’t interfering

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I’ve told you,

Department of Justice has no power over you.

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stop arguing before this closes and cyber cries

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wouldn’t be a first

or a second

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At least I’ll have done more in Docklands alone then you’ll have done in both states, kiddo.

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I think there needs to be a system or a safeguard to ensure DOJ officials are not using their personal bias or such when deciding to pursue charges or not.


Thanks for proving my statement right.

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The only thing that can ensure that would be me. I have the last say-so in all matters.

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