A Petition to Nullify WaterLostic's Warrent

As stated here in the warrant for Water, it says “Treason” as defined in the Firestone Constitution as “Whoever, under any circumstance, levies war against the State of Firestone or adheres to its enemies, giving its enemies aid and comfort be it in wartime or an attempt or nearing to such, may be charged for “treason” against the State of Firestone; and shall suffer imprisonment for no less than ten (10) hours, be it ruled a conviction by trial; and shall be barred from holding any governmental office under the State of Firestone, nor hold any sort of employment within.” Water never stated that he was attempting to take down OfficerVideoGame from officer of the Governor, but attempt to run in the next election to try and “fix things.” As stated in the proof for the warrant “we have found that WaterLostic (and we quote) wishes
to completely impeach the government, ranging from the Speaker of the House, Lieutenant
Governor, and Governor of Firestone.” If he wins the election he has the power to impeach cabinet members as stated in Section IX (Section 9) “The Governor has the authority to appoint cabinet members and ministers, judges and other department officials with the consent of the simple majority of the present Senate. Certain positions may not require the consent of the Senate, said positions may be set by appropriate law and/or by this Constitution; such as the Chief of Staff, which shall not require the consent of the Senate. The Governor shall have the right to dismiss any cabinet member or minister, department official, or any employee under the Executive Branch of Firestone for reasoning deemed plausible by the Governor.” Water, if he runs for the Governor position has the right to impeach anybody from his cabinet. This proves that the warrant set for the arrest of WaterLostic is invalid and should be nullified.


Nothing can null a warrant unless the Judge who made it nulls it or the person is arrested. Senators and Representatives are working hard on amending the Constitution to fix this for checks and balances so that it can be nullified by others.


Section IV of Article III.


n o i c e


No support and its not legal to do it.


Can’t make a petition, and it’s already nullified.


ur a little late ur froob xddddddd


his warrant should of stayed.