A Petition to Keep IceBreaker768 Debarred

Shark, regardless of what you’re trying to “voice” here, nothing is going to happen lol. You’re just wasting your time and driving more toxicity within the community. A similar post happened 3 weeks ago, and people addressed their concerns and the BLEE responded. This post isn’t going to affect his bar cert, you and I both know that. So what exactly is the goal, diminish reputation even further? Problem cause?

Ps; As Stated before, icebreaker was NEVER BANNED from Firestone. It was a “Pending ban” that was put out and it was removed due to lack of evidence.


This post isn’t a legitimate concern within the FS community. This is a waste of time.


for fucks sake shark im in the middle of a FUCKING COURT CASE WITH ICE. can you stop for one fucking day until my court case is done? please… i fucking beg you, i’ve been on this court case for 4 motherfucking months because everything is so slow. later we can debate? ok?!


LOL slow case

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i dont think u understood the post
this is saying they should remove Ice’s bar cert



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Oh heck. I didn’t read it, late night :slightly_frowning_face:


rewrite it


This legit makes no sense, you are twisting this to be some toxicity maker. Not everything that covers a issue or concern of someone is immediately toxicity.

Why are you so persistent of the whole idea of: “I AM OUT TO GET HIM AND DESTROY HIS REP HERE, mwhahaha”. I will state it again, this is bringing the concern to light and can be taken with however you see it but to believe I am just trying to throw dirt for some underlying reason is just rude in my opinion

Even if the whole ban thing never fully went, still lead the stuff to be dropped

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Once again more misinformation? What happened shark, not doing your research? It was never dropped because he was banned, the AG decided he didn’t want to take on the case. Cmmon shark lets get the facts right


Furthermore as stated before he was NEVER banned. It was a pending banned that was removed and never approved due to lack of evidence


can. i. please. just. finish. my. motherfucking. court. case. without. my. second. lawyer. getting. “debarred”. or. fucking. issuing. a. new. one. PLEASE. IT’S BEEN 4 FUCKING MONTHS IM IN THE SAME COURT CASE BECAUSE ALL THESE SHIT IS SO DAMN SLOW. CAN. YOU. PLEASE. JUST. FUCKING. DROP. IT. After my court case is finished, this shit can go on ig, yall hoes problem on this shit g

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Dude, it legit was already in trial and going through discovery when it was dropped for the ban reason


Can you point on on the case transcript where uprising states “We are motioning for nolle prosequi because the defendant has been banned from FS”. The ban part is completely irrelevant to this situation. It’s pure misinformation to try to correlate the two. Read the case transcript my g


why was he banned again?


From my understanding, it was a pending ban because a witness in one of his cases was claiming to be his alt or something. The witness was apparently an alt of another former FSP (who’s main was banned) and he was just trying to problem cause.


This whole thing as well is more of you trying to antagonize me rather than be constructive

Also to your motion thing and how it was dropped cause of the AG, Hec legit told me it was dropped because he was banned

Can you please not turn this post into a toxic one because you perceive it to be

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I forgot what the evidence was, it was just a few partial discord screenshots which didn’t prove anything and after a short period of time, the moderators removed the “pending ban”. He was never banned.


me wondering who you even are

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There isn’t anything constructive about this post to start with. You’re wasting your time, he’s not going to loose his BAR cert over you having an issue with his disbarment from the start. We should be focusing on other constructive things within the state of firestone such as passing meaningful legislation and improving the senate. This isn’t meaningful nor will it have any result to say the least.