A joint thank you letter to the Senators who think they know more about a department than their respective heads and field experts

Time and time again the senate has failed to represent the interests of the people.

For example, they denied the congressional seat reduction bill which had support across the board (The Future (Congressional Reductions), Congressional Budget Cuts) and passed the house unanimously.

And last night, they ignored 63 Reform Party members in our Discord by denying them the right to be recognised as a party under the pretence “parties are bad”. With that kind of logic, it is surprising to see the lack of party removal bills in their docket. Credit is due to Senator Fire & Emote for supporting us on this legislation, however.

They have constantly proven unwilling to participate in legislative activities (https://i.imgur.com/Tq56EVX.png) and one senator advocated Trello voting before their session yesterday while waiting for a quorum.

In its current state, the majority of the Senate is a body that wants to retain their grip on legislative and electoral power but does not retain the competency to be effective at the very least. It is a shame.