A Gas Price Petition

Hello, I am CrazyGuy_Law. A Middle Class Citizen in Firestone. I am here today to make a petition to LOWER gas prices once and for all. Sign in the comments if you support this petition! In Section III of the Bill of Rights, it states, " Citizens have the right to petition against the government or any other business or agency without fear of punishment for doing so. The government is not obliged to act on petitions, although are obliged to give a response at thirty (30) signatures, and Congress shall be willing to consider creating appropriate legislation at one-hundred (100) signatures." Please support this while you still have your money. Keep in mind, the cheapest gas prices are half of a citizens salary.

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Sorry, but that can not happen, please contact TheGreatFirestoneDepression.com/Costumer_Support for more information. (Don’t click the link)

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The IP Address can’t be reached

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The devs set gas prices not Congress, this petition isn’t legally valid.

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just respawn your car, terrible petition

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Because it’s not a real website

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lol no. It’s just a few fucking bucks, how can that hurt ?

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Everything else in this state is expensive. Gas should be one thing that we should get cheaper. What is it something like 15-30 bucks for a slice of pizza?

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No one uses gas lol just respawn your car.


Just, respawn your car. Simple free gas and that’s it. Out of gas? No worries! Get a ride or just reset. Spawns you near the Car Dealership anyways. Lost Money? Don’t worry! Just drive back where you died and collect your money if it’s still there! Money not there? Well F. Just drive off and make sure you return to dealership before your gas runs out!

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