A Constitutional Amendment to BOR.IX to Require Reasoning

A Constitutional Amendment to BOR.IX to Require Reasoning

This amendment shall require officers to provide reasoning for detainment, detention, or arrest within a reasonable time.

Chief Sponsor: SPT. Cosmicanimals1234

Co-Sponsor: Rep. legalizenucle4rbom8s, Rep. MonkeyLikesCaprisun, Rep. StealthSniper292, Rep. Brvendan, Rep. skelet_n, Rep. ryanwilson747, Rep. Tatesnowy, Rep. DaMysticNYP_D, and Sen. thedamnfeds

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,

§1. Title

(a) This amendment shall be known, and may be cited as, “A Constitutional Amendment to BOR.IX to Require Reasoning”

§2. Enactment

(a) This amendment shall go into effect as a constitutional amendment upon completing the processes constitutionally required under the preamble.

§3. Amendments

(a) BOR.IX currently states: “Any person subject to detention, detainment, or arrest by the government or its agents shall have the right to know the reasoning for the relevant state action against them immediately upon enactment of the action; this right can only be temporarily curtailed when necessary to resolve an immediate emergency facing the agent. Upon conclusion of said emergency, reasoning shall be given. If a person is subject to detention or detainment without a given reasoning, they may petition for a writ of habeas corpus pursuant to Article III of the Constitution. The government shall make no law with ex post facto effect, nor impose any penalty ex post facto."

(b) BOR.IX shall now state: “Any person subject to detention, detainment, or arrest by the government or its agents shall be provided the reasoning for the relevant state action against them upon enactment of the action; this right can only be temporarily curtailed when necessary to resolve an immediate emergency facing the agent. Upon conclusion of said emergency, reasoning shall be given. If a person is subject to detention or detainment without a given reasoning, they may petition for a writ of habeas corpus pursuant to Article III of the Constitution. The government shall make no law with ex post facto effect, nor impose any penalty ex post facto.”

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