A Charter Amendment to Reduce Unnecessary Restrictions

A Charter Amendment to Reduce Unnecessary Restrictions

Chief Sponsor: County Executive T_xom
Co-Sponsors: Councilman SwedishVic, Chairman coolguyperfect12

Preamble: To permit the County Executive to serve in minor roles within municipal governments.

§1. Article 1, Section 1, Subsection I of the County Charter currently states, “The County Executive shall not be permitted to serve within any other position within the County Government or within the governments of any of its Municipalities, including the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and the Stapleton County Fire Department.”

§2. Article 1, Section 1, Subsection I of the County Charter is amended to state, “The County Executive shall not be permitted to serve within any other position within the County Government, including the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office and the Stapleton County Fire Department. The County Executive shall not be permitted to serve as a Councilmember, Mayor, Deputy Mayor, or Chief of Police in any Municipal Government.”

§3. This County Charter Amendment shall enter into immediate effect upon completion of all necessary processes, per the County Charter.

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