A Bill to Strengthen the County Affairs Committee

A Bill to Strengthen The County Affairs Committee


SECTION 1A: The County Affairs Committee Formation Act shall be amended to allow for the Committee to strike down unjust firings by the County Executive.

SECTION 2A: Section XII currently reads: “SECTION XII: The County Affairs Committee shall always remain fair and allow fair chances for the county to speak. If at anytime there is suspicion that the County Affairs Committee is unfair and/or unjust, the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, in accordance with the Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act, shall be able to investigate the County Affairs Committee, and recommend action to the rest of the state legislature.

SECTION 2B: Section XII shall now read: “SECTION XII: The County Affairs Committee shall always remain fair and allow fair chances for the county to speak. If at anytime there is suspicion that the County Affairs Committee is unfair and/or unjust, the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, in accordance with the Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act, shall be able to investigate the County Affairs Committee, and recommend action to the rest of the state legislature. Should the County Executive dismiss and/or punish any member of the county departments, the County Affairs Committee may override the act done by the County Executive, by a ⅔ supermajority vote. Only Congressmen and Congresswomen, inside the County Affairs Committee, can vote to override the act done by the County Executive. Congress can override the action taken by the County Affairs Committee by a ⅔ supermajority vote.

SECTION 3: The Firestone State Legislature shall enforce this bill.

SECTION 4: This legislation shall go into effect immediately.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsors:

Speaker Pro Tempore OfficerVideoGame
Senator Straphos


Governor CanineEnforcement
Representative Firefighter1303
Representative Firetreat21
Senator 851Raymond
Senator T4NJ1M
Firestone Homeland Security Secretary colorful_parrots
Firestone Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Mattxtro
Firestone Public Safety Secretary Ftlicious
Sub-Cabinet NotFoundDev
Firestone National Guard Major airplane1221
Former Sheriff Noctilate
Former Sheriff tacticalwhale21
Former Undersheriff WarriorMasterKiller
Former Undersheriff Masterkiller0587
Former SWAT Commander BeastDabest
SCSO Corporal Lidels
SCSO Deputy ThinBlueCross
SCSO Deputy Afreis74
FPS Officer B_ear


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