A Bill to Recognize DOBW Towing Rights

A Bill to Recognize DOBW Towing Rights

PREAMBLE: To give DOBW towing rights to remove the additional step of “getting papers” from a law enforcement officer before towing boats.


SECTION I: Illegally anchoring a watercraft shall be defined as leaving a watercraft stationary/unattended temporarily or permanently in an area that is not designated for anchoring.

SECTION IA: Areas not designated for anchoring shall be defined as being within Restricted Waters as defined in precedent legislation and any area that obstructs the traffic flow in a waterway.

SECTION II: A watercraft that is illegally parked (defined in Section 1) has the right to be towed by an employee (any rank above Intern) of the Department of Boating & Waterways.

Section IIB: The Department of Boating & Waterways shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Boating and Waterways - Roblox

Section III: The Department of Boating & Waterways has the right to tow a watercraft that is illegally parked without the need of a Marine Law Enforcement Officer’s permission.

Section IIIA: If a Marine Law Enforcement Officer requests that the watercraft should not be towed, the Department of Boating & Waterways must drop the watercraft and abide the Marine Law Enforcement Officers Request.

Section IIIA: Marine Law Enforcement Agencies shall be defined as: Firestone National Guard Coast Guard and the Department of Corrections Marine Division.

Section IV: The Department of Boating & Waterways has the right to tow boats upon request of a Marine Law Enforcement Officer or the owner of the watercraft.

Section IVA: The owner of a watercraft shall be defined as the person in which the registration of the boat is held by.

Section V: This Bill shall go into effect immediately upon completion of the constitutional process.

Section VI: Once this Bill is in effect, The Department of Boating & Waterways, and all Marine Law Enforcement Officers must enforce this bill.

Chief Sponsor:

Representative Francisco_Mango


DoBW Secretary Clonemep

DoBW Associate Secretary TheGreenLego_Brick

DoBW Community Engagement Director crankyIuke

DoBW Maintenance and Conservation Advisor SirMGB

Senator ChiefMikeySmith

Senator CanadlanLaw

Representative Guest_Smh


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