A Bill to Further Amend A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws


SECTION 1: Title, Effective Date, and Enforcement

A) This bill shall be known as "A Bill to Amend "A Bill to Further Amend A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws”

B) This bill shall become effective immediately upon passage from both chambers of the Congress and signed by the Governor.

C) Any person with the power to arrest and cite shall enforce this bill.

SECTION 2: Definitions

A) “A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws” shall be defined as; A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws

SECTION 3: Amendments

A) Section 2A shall be added to “A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws”.

B) Section 2A of “A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws” shall state:

If an individual is found to be in guilty of Vehicular Assault as defined in Section 2 of this article, said individual shall have the penalty of a sentence of minimum two-hundred (200) seconds but not exceeding five-hundred (500) seconds in the State Penitentiary.

A) Section 2B shall be added to “A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws”.

B) Section 2B of “A Bill to Establish Vehicular Assault Laws” shall state:

Section 2 of this bill and its subsections shall no way limit the Judiciary from assigning more or less time in the State Penitentiary for violations defined in this bill should the individual(s) be proven guilty in a court of law.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):

Senator, T4NJ1M


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