A Bill To Forbid The DoH From “Blacklisting People From Medical Care”

A Bill To Forbid The DoH From “Blacklisting People From Medical Care”


SECTION 1: This bill shall illegalize the blacklist and refusal of medical treatment from the Department of Health to everyday citizens of Firestone.

SECTION 2: The Department of Health shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Health - Roblox

SECTION 3: If the Department of Health, as a whole, denies to recognize this legislation, further actions will be taken, such as a temporary suspension of operations. If an employee of the Department of Health chooses to not recognize this legislation, punishments will be as follows:

SECTION 3A: Punishments:

First denial of service: Transfer of patient to another medical worker with a one-day suspension of operations to the offending employee.

Second denial of service: Transfer of patient to another medical worker with a three-day suspension of operations to the offending employee.

Third+ denial of service: Transfer of patient to another medical worker with a week suspension and a possible termination to the offending employee.

SECTION 3A-A: At any time can the Secretary and/or Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health may or may not choose to terminate an offending employee with three or more denial of services.

SECTION 4A: FRPer’s who request medical attention shall be reported to the authorities and the responding LEOs can take care of them. Note: FRP is only charged when a crime has been committed.

SECTION 4B: Any minges will not be tolerated, and will not be treated with medical attention. A minge shall be defined as someone who intentionally gets in the way and loiters just to cause havoc within treatment area(s) and who’s pure intent is to stop a Department of Health’s employee from doing their job.

SECTION 5: The State of Firestone’s Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches shall defend this legislation.

SECTION 6: Upon passing both chambers of Congress and being signed into law by the Governor, this legislation shall go into effect immediately.

SECTION 7: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):
Senator G_abee

Department of Health Secretary CanineEnforcement
Senator devith13
Representative Flakezzz
Arborfield Deputy Mayor Patchy319


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