A Bill to Establish the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)

A Bill to Establish the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)


Section I A: This bill shall establish the Department of Parks and Recreation.

Section I B: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Parks and Recreation - Roblox

Section I C: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall also be known as “DPR” or abbreviated as such.

Section II A: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be responsible for all national parks in Stapleton County, Firestone.

Section II B: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have control over all national parks in Stapleton County, Firestone.

Section II C: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the responsibility of approving or disapproving of park projects or events in the park.

Section II D: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the responsibility of managing park procedures and the establishment of rules and regulations in their respective land.

Section III A: The Secretary of the Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the distinctive responsibility of the establishment of rules, regulations and enforcing them, in accordance of this piece of legislation.

Section III B: The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be considered a secondary department.

Section III D: A Peace Officer Standards Training (POST) Certification is required to be employed in the Department of Parks and Recreation.

Section IV: This legislation shall be overseen and enforced by the Governor of Firestone.

Section V: This bill shall go into effect immediately after passage.

Respectfully submitted to the Congress of Firestone;

Chief Sponsor:

Lieutenant Governor Ash1835


Governor Sharkfish82


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