A Bill to Establish Criminal Charges on Actions Against Public Servants


June 14, 2024




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


(a) This act shall be known, and may be cited as, “A Bill to Establish Criminal Charges on Actions Against Public Servants”.


  1. Firestone Criminal Code can be defined here.

  2. Referenced Charges;

  3. Assault

  4. Assault with a Deadly Weapon (ADW)

  5. Battery

  6. Vehicular Assault

  7. Chapter 8 §2 - Battery on a Police Officer

  8. A public servant shall be defined as any on-duty employee or officer of a Firestone public service department or law enforcement agency.

  9. A public service employee shall be recognized as an on-duty employee lawfully conducting their duties from the Firestone Department of Public Works, the Firestone Department of Transportation, the Stapleton County Fire Department, the Firestone Department of Aviation, Firestone Department of Health, the Firestone Park Service, and the Firestone Department of Commerce.

  10. A public servant shall be recognized as an on-duty law enforcement officer or agent lawfully conducting their duties from the Firestone Bureau of Investigation, the Firestone National Guard, the Firestone State Patrol, the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office, the Firestone Department of Corrections, the Stapleton County Port Authority, the Firestone Coast Guard, Redwood Police Department, Prominence District Police, and the Arborfield Police Department.


  1. Chapter 8 §2 of the Firestone Criminal Code - Battery on a Police Officer, as defined in §2.B.V, shall be nullified in its entirety and removed from the Firestone Criminal Code.


  1. This act seeks to magnify existing punishments and classes for violent crimes perpetrated against public servants and employees while serving in their official capacity. While providing a further legal basis for the prosecution and seeking to dissuade further attacks from those who abuse public servants as they execute their duties to serve and protect our great state of Firestone.


  1. Assault is currently recognized in the Firestone Criminal Code as a Class C Misdemeanor with a citation of $300 FSD and/or jail time of 300 seconds.

  2. The Firestone Criminal Code charge of “Assault” shall be amended to include a subsection of “Assault on a Public Servant”. This subsection charge shall be defined as, “Assault on a Public Servant shall be the act of maliciously attempting to injure or apply offensive force, or utilizing the fear of such actions taking place on a public servant while executing their duties in a legal fashion, without their consent.”

  3. Assault on a Public Servant shall include an additional jail time of +⅓ of the standard Assault charge.


  1. Assault with a Deadly Weapon is currently recognized in the Firestone Criminal Code as a Class C Felony with a jail time of 600 seconds.

  2. The Firestone Criminal Code shall be amended to include a subsection of “Assault with a Deadly Weapon Against a Public Servant”. This subsection shall be defined as, “Assault with a Deadly Weapon Against a Public Servant shall be the act of maliciously or as a result of gross negligence, injuring or applying offensive force on a public servant, who is executing their duties in a legal fashion, without their consent with an object of causing severe harm to that person.

  3. Assault with a Deadly Weapon Against a Public Servant shall include an additional jail time of +⅓ of the standard ADW charge.


  1. Battery is currently recognized in the Firestone Criminal Code as a Class A Misdemeanor with a citation of $400 FSD and/or a jail time of 420 seconds.

  2. The Firestone Criminal Code charge of “Battery” shall be amended to include a subsection of “Battery on a Public Servant”. This subsection shall be defined as, “Battery on a Public Servant shall be the act of maliciously injuring or applying offensive force on a public servant, who is executing their duties in a legal fashion, without their consent.

  3. Battery of a Public Servant shall include an additional jail time of +⅓ of the standard Battery charge.


  1. Vehicular Assault is currently recognized in the Firestone Criminal Code as a Class C Felony with a jail time of 680 seconds.

  2. The Firestone Criminal Code charge of “Vehicular Assault” shall be amended to include a subsection of “Vehicular Assault on a Public Servant”. This subsection shall be defined as, “Vehicular Assault on a Public Servant shall be the act of intentionally, or through clear and extreme disregard for traffic law, utilizing a vehicle to strike a public servant, or their vehicle(s) without consent from said public servant or relevant agency/department owner for the property.

  3. Vehicular Assault on a Public Servant shall include an additional jail time of +⅓ of the standard Vehicular Assault charge.


(a) This Act shall be enforced by all relevant parties.


(a) Should any part of this act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, the rest of the act will remain in effect unless also struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Chief Sponsor(s):

Representative StealthSniper292


Speaker Pro Tempore legaalsp

Representative sincere_aedn

Representative Plainsp

Senator VG278Q

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