A Bill to Define Illegal Discharge of a Firearm
PREAMBLE: With current legislations vaguely defining an illegal discharge of a firearm as well as punishments that are not reasonable to an extent, a new and improved legislation with specific definitions and punishments shall be established for the betterment of the people of the State of Firestone.
SECTION 1: “A Bill to Define Illegal Discharge of a Firearm” shall be established.
SECTION 2: Illegal Discharge of a firearm shall be defined as; Intentionally or unintentionally discharging a firearm of any kind in any environment without at least one of the reasons defined in this legislation.
SECTION 2A: Any Individual who discharges a weapon in an act of self defense of oneself and/or another shall not be charged with illegal discharge of a firearm and shall not be considered in violation of this legislation.
SECTION 2B: On-duty law enforcement officers who discharge their weapon while performing their legal duties shall also not be considered in violation of this legislation.
SECTION 2C: Any person who discharges their firearm at a firing range for recreation or any other means of recreational use shall not be considered in violation of this legislation.
SECTION 3: Any individual who illegally discharges a firearm away from a populated area with no one around and no one in danger shall be considered a misdemeanor and shall be cited.
SECTION 3A: Any individual who illegally discharges a firearm in a populated area regardless if people are in danger or not shall be considered a felony. Violators of this section shall be arrested.
SECTION 3B: Populated area shall be defined as an area that is filled with one or more other people present.
SECTION 4: “A Bill to Define Negligently Discharging a Firearm” shall hereby be declared null and void.
SECTION 4A: “A Bill to Define Negligently Discharging a Firearm” shall be defined as; A Bill to Define Negligently Discharging a Firearm
SECTION 5: All law enforcement agencies with the ability to cite and/or arrest shall be responsible for enforcing this legislation.
SECTION 6: Upon passage from both chambers of congress, this legislation shall go into effect immediately.
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor(s):
Senator 851raymond