A Bill to Classify Structures and Establish Structure Leakage

A Bill to Classify Structures and Establish Structure Leakage


Section 1: This legislation shall recognize and classify the structure of the Governor’s mansion; prohibit any pictures (screenshots) or videos of the interior/exterior of the said structure. The charge of ‘Structure Leakage’ shall be established within this piece of legislation which shall be considered to be a felony.

Section 2: Any individual who wishes to be permitted entrance into to the Governor’s mansion shall be mandated to agree to the terms of complying with the personnel (currently in-service) within the Department of Homeland Security and agree not to take photos/videos of the mansion’s interior without permission to do so. With the permission of the present personnel at the Governor’s mansion within the Department of Homeland Security, an individual may take a photo/video of the exterior of the Governor’s mansion (must be within the walls of the Governor’s mansion in order for this to be applicable; if not within the walls of the Governor’s mansion, then the individual wishing to take a photo/video may do so). The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be permitted to take photos/videos of the mansion’s interior and exterior and may only share the captured content with the personnel within the Department of Homeland Security. Any individual wishing to enter the Governor’s mansion must not currently have an outstanding record; citations or arrests (may not have more than three misdemeanor citations or more than one misdemeanor arrest; can not have any felony related offenses on their arrest priors). The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be permitted to ask any individual who is authorized access to the Governor’s manor as a guest (not a member within the Department of Homeland Security) to leave the premises of the manor at the Governor/Lieutenant Governor’s own discretion.

Section 2A: Any individual caught recording or taking photos of the interior or the exterior of the Governor’s mansion without permission from the personnel within the Department of Homeland Security shall be prosecuted in the Firestone courts. Any individual caught (with physical evidence) recording the interior or exterior of the Governor’s mansion without permission while physically being present at the Governor’s mansion shall be arrested and charged with a felony and be given prison time for no more or less than nine-hundred seconds of prison time. All individuals wishing to prosecute another individual for the crime of structure leakage shall need to file for a criminal litigation. All cases related to the crime of structure leakage shall be overseen by the Firestone courts. Unlawful videos or photographs of classified structures may be admissible for evidence in a court of law without violating this act, and courts, Department of Justice, jury, and all persons involved shall be immune from punishment under this act respective to a case.

Section 3: It shall be the duties of the Firestone Department of Homeland Security and the Firestone courts (Court Justice+) to enforce this piece of legislation.

Section 3A: The Firestone Department of Homeland Security shall be defined as: Firestone Department of Homeland Security - Roblox

Section 3B: The Firestone Courts shall be defined as: Firestone Courts - Roblox

Section 4: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passing.
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):

Lieutenant Governor. Virginian_State

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