A Bill to Amend Firestone Traffic Act Part 1

A Bill to Amend Firestone Traffic Act Part 1


SECTION 1: Chapter 1. § 1.1, Chapter 1. § 1.2, and Chapter 1. § 2.1 of “Traffic Act Part 1” Shall be amended.

SECTION 1A: Chapter 1. § 17 Shall be established.

SECTION 2: “Traffic Act Part 1" Shall be define by this legislation : Firestone Traffic Act Part 1

SECTION 3: Chapter 1. § 1.1 Currently state: ‘Reckless Driving’ shall be an illegal traffic infraction (for the first offense) and misdemeanour (for the second offense and above) in Firestone. Reckless Driving shall be defined as: “maliciously driving a motor vehicle with a disregard for traffic rules, which may cause an accident involving injuries or death”. The disregard for traffic rules must be malicious (e.g. road rage).

SECTION 3A: Chapter 1. § 1.2 Currently state: “Any person charged with Reckless Driving shall receive the following punishment:

a. First offense: $400 citation.

b. A second offense and above: Jail time of 300 seconds.”

SECTION 3B: Chapter 1. § 2.1 Currently state: ‘Careless Driving’ shall be illegal in Firestone. Careless Driving shall be defined as: “driving a motor vehicle with a disregard for traffic rules, which may cause an accident involving injuries or death”.

SECTION 4: Chapter 1. § 1.1 Shall now state: ‘Reckless Driving’ shall be an illegal traffic infraction (for the first two offences) and misdemeanour (for the third offense and above) in Firestone. Reckless Driving shall be defined as: “Displays a wanton disregard for the rules of the road; the driver misjudges common driving procedures, often causing wrecks, accidents and other damages.

SECTION 4A: Chapter 1. § 1.2 Shall now state: “Any person charged with Reckless Driving shall receive the following punishment:

a. First offense: 200$ citation.

b. A second offense: 350$ citation.

c. A third offense and above: Jail time of 300 seconds.”

SECTION 4B: Chapter 1. § 2.1 Shall now state: Careless Driving’ shall be illegal in Firestone. Careless Driving shall be defined as: “A person who drives carelessly, or without due caution and circumspection, in a manner so as to endanger, or be likely to endanger, a person or property.

SECTION 4C: Chapter 1. § 17.1 Shall now state: ‘Dangerous Driving’ shall be an illegal traffic infraction (for the first offense) and misdemeanour (for the second offense and above) in Firestone. Dangerous Driving shall be defined as: “Maliciously driving a motor vehicle with a disregard for traffic rules, which may cause an accident involving injuries or death.”

SECTION 4D: Chapter 1. § 17.2 Shall now state: Dangerous Driving can be a charge alongside Reckless Driving or Careless Driving.

SECTION 4E: Chapter 1. § 17.3 Shall now state: “Any person charged with Dangerous Driving shall receive the following punishment:

a. First offense: 500$ citation.

b. Second offense: Jail time of 360 seconds.

c. Third offense and above: Jail time of 600 seconds.

SECTION 5: Upon passing both chambers of the State of Firestone Congress, and being signed into law by the Governor, this legislation shall go into effect immediately.

Respectfully submitted to the congress of the State of Firestone,

Chief Sponsor(s):

Representative thekiller9056


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