A Bill to Amend “A Bill to Repeal and Replace A Bill to Recognize Restricted Areas”"
SECTION 1: Section 6 and Section 6B shall be added onto “A Bill to Amend and Replace A Bill to Recognize Restricted Areas”.
SECTION 1B: “A Bill to Amend and Replace A Bill to Recognize Restricted Areas” shall be defined as: A Bill to Repeal and Replace A Bill to Recognize Restricted Areas
SECTION 2: SECTION 6 shall state: The Government Gas Stations shall be recognized as restricted areas within the State of Firestone depending on which individual(s) has the proper clearance to enter the premises of the Government Gas Stations. The act of breaching (trespassing) the premises of the Government Gas Stations without the proper clearance shall be considered to be a misdemeanor.
SECTION 2B: SECTION 6B shall state: The premises of the Government Gas Stations shall be defined as: The insides of the wooden fences surrounding the Government Gas Stations ending at it’s entrance, https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/331912764140421121/655945262707114009/gov_gas_premises.jpg
SECTION 3: All On-Duty Firestone Law Enforcement Officers, Firestone Law Enforcement Agents, Firestone National Guardsmen, and Firestone Public Employees are allowed inside the premises of the Government Gas Stations.
SECTION 4: This legislation shall be enforced by the Firestone National Guard, the Firestone Department of Corrections, the Firestone State Patrol, the Firestone Department of Homeland Security and the Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office.
Section 5: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passing both chambers and signed into law by the Governor.
Respectfully submitted to the congress of the State of Firestone,
Senator Stamose