A Bill to Amend “A Bill to Forbid Distracted Operations”
SECTION 1: “A Bill to Forbid Distracted Operations” shall be defined as: A Bill to Forbid Distracted Operation
SECTION 2: Section 1 of “A Bill to Forbid Distracted Operations” currently reads:
The act of “Distracted Vehicle Operation” shall be deemed illegal.
(a) “Distracted Vehicle Operation” shall be defined as:
Operating a vehicle while simultaneously utilizing a phone, cellular device, or
any other object or device that can be deemed distracting to operating a vehicle
properly and lawfully.
(b) “vehicle” within Section 1(a) includes, but is not limited to: cars, trains,
airplanes, boats, etc.SECTION 2A: Section 1 of “A Bill to Forbid Distracted Operations” shall be amended and now read:
The act of “Distracted Vehicle Operation” shall be deemed illegal.
(a) “Distracted Vehicle Operation” shall be defined as:
Operating a vehicle while simultaneously utilizing a phone, cellular device, or
any other object or device that can be deemed distracting to operating a vehicle
properly and lawfully. The act of an on-duty law enforcement officer using a radar gun in an effort to track a person’s speed while driving shall not be deemed a distraction while operating a vehicle.
(b) “vehicle” within Section 1(a) includes, but is not limited to: cars, trains,
airplanes, boats, etc.SECTION 3: This legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passage.
SECTION 4: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone,
Chief Sponsor(s):
Representative, Surprise
Co Sponsor(s):
Senator, Rinextel
Citizen, Cybervict