A better TC for FDOC

Hello there!

So, I’ve been hosting some sessions recently, and I have noticed that our TC is not the best. Now, no offence to Straphos, he is a great builder and everything, but he just doesn’t have enough resources to make sure that everything is in working order.

For example, some of the tools don’t work, now Straphos isn’t a scripter, so will he know what’s wrong with it? No.
We also don’t have any tahoes at the TC, since he doesn’t have access to them.
A mock prison could be built, but I’d imagine that would be difficult.

So, I request that FDOC get an official TC made by the devs. SCSO and FSP have one, POST has one, yet we don’t. I don’t know who builds the TC’s, but it needs to be done.

And yes, the situation is worse than you think, having to improvise with btools just wastes time.


SCSO built their own TC.

but support.

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#Btools Killed us All

support and signed


then build it

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POST and FFA are built by the devs

If you’re blessed, a senior member of your department would contribute to making a TC or maybe another dev you’re willing to pay. OR a dev who just likes your department.

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We can only use Authorized Devs with Firestone Tech.

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Oh sad

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Support this suggestion

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You should look at SCSO, support

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where’s the DHS TC as well? it’s literally owned by a guy who retired from roblox in november.


sorry im not a TC builder


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Bump. But yeah, like all departments need a good TC. We have a terrible one, DHS has one from a guy who retired in November… what else?


support 100%%

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we’re in the process of making better TC’s for all departments

speak with colorful_parrots about that

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