911 Call(s)


Something I personally think would be good is to have the ability to call more than one department, e.g Fire & Police.

What it would be is the ability to select a minimum of one to a maximum of four departments.
Say you need the Fire Department and EMS, you are only able to call one of them with the current phone, it would be better to be able to select Fire & EMS. Say you need EMS and Police, again, you can only select one with the current phone.

With this Development Suggestion, it would allow a better understanding of who is needed, and so then you don’t have to ask a friend to call Fire after you called EMS, and so EMS doesn’t have to request Fire to come to the scene.

So if I need all of the departments, I can select all and press Submit.


Although its a good idea, it’s kind of pointless because everybody can see the 911 calls regardless of what service you selected.


This would be cool, having a checkbox for each service them pressing submit. However, I don’t think it’s the most needed at the time, as all units can see all 911s. However, I still support and think if a founder wants to add this it would be cool.


The details of the call should imply what departments are needed. For example, if there was a hostage situation, LEOs would know to respond but EMS would also know to be on standby.


the entire point of the 911 number (generally) is that you speak to an operator, and they do all that jazz for you.
definitely an issue though, as I never checked Police calls while I was a firefighter, and may do the same.


I can see this as a v3 possibility. But I’ll add in my twist of things; if possible by the art of scripts, the closest unit to the 911 call location would be paged to dispatch just so we can avoid a leo responding to a redwood bank robbery and he’s coming all the way from Arbor. It could be a v2 feature but I can see it more for v3

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The only issue I have is that if people call fire and ems then SCFD tones will go off twice, and that will be unpopular

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everyone sees the call and mostly everyone looks at them, no need tbh

this is an issue; if I was a public employee, I wouldn’t check a LEO call

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you don’t? most people call the wrong service or call police or EMS but may also need say tow.