Okay, so I know why some cars are faster than LEO cars, it is to make LEOs think logically and use spikes. However, In 99% of situations, that just isn’t possible. Every shift, I see someone doing something stupid, then taking off and escaping for the sole reason that his car is faster than mine. I do not think that civ cars should be made slower, I think LEO cars should be given 10 gears. This is not only to make suspects easier to catch, but it also allows for quicker response times when the shit hits the fan. It is incredibly annoying when you hear the distress signal, but you cannot get there in time because your car just isn’t fast enough. I think this is reasonable because it also only makes LEO cars go 100. I don’t want like 25 gears making LEO cars faster than the Thrust SSC, just a horsepower upgrade for LEO cars.
Just to clarify, the Dodge SRT goes 90 with 9 gears, so this is only one gear more than that.
The Devs intentionally some made cars faster than PD cars. Some cars in real life are faster than police cars. As officers we just have to use logic to catch people.
Yes, but in FS, there are so many gangs and trollers that use the SRT or the Mustang to troll and get away with it. Gangs can also murder civs and officers with ease.
If they troll depending on what they do they can be cuff rushed or banned. The SRT is 60,000 not many drive it. I mainly see Vics. Mustangs match 8 speed as our cars.
I mean I’d love this, but the devs made it realistic for a reason and they will shoot this down.
Cops have guns, spike strips, tazers, pepper spray, radar guns, cars with RAMBARS that pop tires during pursuits, and a radio to easily stop the suspect.
SRTs go faster because criminals actually need something to give advantage to themselves. This game is already in favor of cops, so I’d rather not make it even more towards cops.
It’s not in favour when you get massacred by criminals with rifles because we have one weapon a glock which is slower than my dead nan
This will just make people worst drivers and cause more FRP because they’ll flip more.
I do not support, but you may persuade me. Here’s why:
Law Enforcement, ultimately, has the upper hand in most situations. Giving them high-powered vehicles would make it unfair to the criminals.
What Sheriff Straphos stated is true, and I agree with him.
I mean, like in real life, there are cars which can outrun patrol vehicles. Police cars aren’t built to be faster than every car that ever exists. That’s why LEOs have the radio to coordinate pursuits and locations. So in my opinion, its fair. What really is the most annoying would FRP and logging, not a suspect outrunning you, as it is common for a criminal outrun an officer.
I like the feedback I am getting, as well as the good reasons against this, but I think that while we have all of these tools to stop criminals, and rambars to stop vehicles, how are we able to use those tools if we are constantly being left in the dust by criminals with automatic weapons and trolls? That is the main point here, is that while we are Law Enforcement, we cannot enforce the law with dust in our face.
Yes, i get the balance issue, but refer to this post.
Nah. Not needed. Like Straphos said, this game is already in favour of the cops. Give the crims a chance. Not all criminals are caught in real life.
exactly @NotoriousAmerican
No support,
Law Enforcement Officers have more than enough resources for all hypotheticals they will be faced with. The problem, however, is the departments are too stubborn to work together. This leads to resources being jammed up.