Yatoshi for House of Representatives

Good day citizens of Firestone! My name is Yatoshi, and I have decided to run for the House of Representatives. I’m here for the citizens of Firestone, and their well being. I have been apart of Firestone since mid-January (Though only joining the discord at the end of January.) I’ve come to a general understanding of the law and am running in hopes of succeeding and exploring law. I’ve worked hard serving Firestone as a DOT, and want to help Firestone by now making laws that support it. I’m here for everyone, and I want that to be understood.

I’m prepared to introduce bills into the house as soon as I am elected. A bill I am pushing and hoping I can introduce is “a bill to resolve crime under distress” this bill is going to be made as a solution to an issue that is being held, hostage. Currently, if you are held hostage and you are FORCED to commit a crime while being held (without reasonable doubt), then you will be not be held responsible, and the person forcing you to do so will be charged with the crime. In order not to be abused it will require either the presiding justice or an officer to determine if they’re to be covered under this bill. An officer can and will decide if you were being held solely on what they had seen. If they falsely arrest cause of this then the arestee can go to court In a court trial, they will prove that they had been held, etc.

This is also to allow the possibility of public employees to be able to role play more situations by making them exempt from crime if they were being held.

Ideas like that are what drive role play in Firestone, and I am well prepared to introduce more. I will get feedback from all sides before fully introducing such a bill. I want to lax gun laws for average citizens and make it more formidable to defend themself from a deadly threat. I want to change the gun laws and allow citizens more leniency. Currently, if you shoot at someone and someone else walks into your fire and dies, you CAN be charged with a crime. I want that to change, and with me in the House of Representatives, that will.

Vote for Change. Vote for Yatoshi.




Not enough supports for ballot.
Voting open.