Why did Firestone become such a huge success?

I’m not here to “collect info” or start a debate on which state is the best. I am just genuinely curious what you guys think.

So, was it because it was something new? Quality development? Good leadership? Or anything specific you guys think. I mean, it could be many different things, but what do you all think was the most influential for people to join over all of the other states?

Once again, I am not here to start a debate.



It was a few things that made it as big as it is, in my opinion. With Fed’s status and following, that was an easy way to get members from his old states. Additionally, decent development attracted more quality people to the state to further its leadership. Finally, just due to the timing of its creation, Firestone filled a niche that had previously not existed in a prominent spot - fictional government role-play.
At the time, all the groups were based on real-world countries, or the big ones anyways, so it was hard to find anything that was original and not just a copy of a nation pasted onto Roblox, the only exceptions being Fed’s old groups as any prominent groups in the space.
With the massive success of Firestone, several other groups have followed to attempt to imitate it or further revolutionize the idea of fictional government role-play, see Aigio for an example.
Personally, with the rise of new, more complex states, I believe that Firestone’s growth will stagnate as higher quality groups start to emerge, with Aigio as I mentioned earlier being one of them. But hey, nobody can predict the future, so let’s all hope that stuff like this will be around in a few years time.


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The promise of robux.


i got 5 robux when i joined in april


Because people follow Fed and a bunch followed him here, after he left Norfolk people were looking for him to start another state, which he eventually did.