What Issues Do You Find in Firestone Right Now? What Would You Do?

EO#55? Business support? What do you think are issues in Firestone today and who do these problems affect? What would you do to solve the dilemma?


joe has been a threat to the state for a while and no one has gotten rid of him.


i think that fsp smells, i motion to abolish and make d_isoder superintendent


I think the biggest problem facing Firestone is roleplaying criminals being shunned away from the community. This is contributed from high jail times, public humiliation in the Discord servers, and lack of development support compared to LEO’s and department employees. I go into more detail in my campaign speech but to simply put it, the best way to solve this is by finding crimes that are “over valued” in the sense that the jail time doesn’t equal the crime. From there, helping reduce those times and classes so criminals aren’t just blasted with a 900 seconds sentence every time they try to do something. However, there is still a balance that must be maintained such as preventing gameplay breaking crimes like Vehicular Assault and Interfering with a Public Service Employee. Those crimes shouldn’t be reduced because committing them don’t contribute to the overall role-play experience for everyone. If you just ram people, that isn’t roleplaying, that is just trolling. If you jump on a patient during a medical role-play or jump up and down on a sweeper, that isn’t roleplaying, that is once again trolling.

With all that being said, I believe finding the balance between a criminal role-play and justice role-play are key to having a better experience for all.


why cant you make a comment w/o bringing up ur campaign


why are people still stuck on EO#55 its been legit 2-3 months since EO#55 can someone pls list all the leos who got fired for a dumb reason Because of EO#55


I’m not. I’m just asking. Not some political move, but a question.


not you goofy


Roleplay on both sides (mainly due to founder restrictions cough fed)


With regards to political issues and the Governor election.

From preliminary FNN Polling Data:

  • EO#55 and DPS are, overall, the most important issues to voters
  • The Supreme Court and Legislative Branch are, overall, the second most important issues to voters
  • Business Support is the third most important
  • DOH and Foreign Affairs are the least important, by a long mile

In all honesty, reducing jail time or criminal offenses alone will not solve the lack of interest issues, cause even employed people in the state admit that they are also losing interest, not just criminals.

The concept is just becoming bland and boring after so long, when you dont get anything new in a while people lose interest, when v3 comes out yea it’ll boom for a little but inevitably we will go back to being bland.

And it doesn’t exactly help that things that people are interested in like v3 are carrots on sticks being dangled above their heads, after a while you get bored of watching that carrot and never getting any closer to it and just wander off and find a new carrot to chase(Ridgeway, Mayflower, etc)


i still dont see why EO55 IS A ISSUE


eo55 is an issue for people who want to be stupid and not get in trouble

anyways, eo55 is only an issue because people keep bringing it up for forum replies and likes




Personally for me, I’ve avoided criminal and LEO RP for a few reasons. For LEO RP I cant see myself putting months of time into something to potentially get removed for the most minor things, granted that shouldn’t happen if you do your job properly but there’s always the risk that certain people target you no matter what role you take in FS. As far as criminal, it’s been very expensive to be a criminal from fines, to buying gear, or buying your SRT if you don’t have one. There isn’t much room for brand new players to excel without a lot of time being put in as far as criminals go. On top of that there’s no separation between characters and individuals so actions taken at V2 etc attach themselves to a person for the foreseeable future and will be held against them as such no matter how much time goes by or even if they get expunged. All in all it’s easy to point out a lot of the problems, I don’t know what the fix is though I’ll be honest, there is no “sure fire” fix to the problems that currently exist


Not enough of an incentive to be a criminal. Give these crims with like 1000 arrests a reason to play the game lol. The criminal community is diminishing and that will inevitably affect the entire community in a very grave manner.

Also V3 . .


FBI lol


joe… joe who?


Ok, literally FS is overly anticrim. Every advantage that criminals may have are taken away, by either developers, or it becomes against the rules. The small amount of game mechanics for criminals lead to many spending hours in DOC, and they just simply don’t have fun. Maybe instead of giving LEAs a new vehicle, let’s focus on improving the gameplay for the other side of the roleplay so our criminals can enjoy themselves


EO 55 is only an issue because of its ridiculous exemptions. Why are tac units exempt? “Oh they’ll see our names” YOU HAVE A UNIFORM ON??? Only people who should be exempt from EO#55 are undercover units. Currently this is the only thing I’ve seen SWAT use their exemption for:
