What can Congress do to Help businesses?

We need … wages, unemployment benefits

DOCM shut that idea down. Since it will ruin businesses just starting or businesses that aren’t active 24/7.

We need a sort of OSHA

DOCM would be responsible for that.

A Department of Labor would be cool or at least a division under Commerce

Anything with the word Department in it will get Fed to most likely shut it down, especially with people encouraging him to do so for the memes. SEC is a very good example of such.


ah yes

the vague campaign goal of “help businesses”

honestly i cba to read the post, but simply put there is no feasible system or even relative necessity for legislatures to step into the affaira of the private sector (unlessb like price gouging or evonomic reasons or whatnot)

simply put, we can try to support businesses
maybe give some starting advice etc

but these OSHA and unemployment benefits? completely unfeasible.

considering paying employees isn’t even a implemented system, how can we even propose such a tremeandous feat?

unfortunately, regardless of what we do, businesses will suffer and will always die without proper development support.

i conclude my ted talk with a simple statement:

politicians do not need to get involved as it is in its current affairs

the end


The only thing we can do is impose stricter illegal weapon penalties. But because 99% of the crims don’t really care what happens to them, it doesn’t make sense to do that.


DOCM DCI here, I personally don’t see what else we can add to help businesses. As for OSHA, for any company that partakes is dangerous operations cough CGF, we require a safety statement from them to ensure they can safely run. Failing that statement can and will result in a denial of a new permit or renewal permit. Unemployment benefits, what benefits would we even give you for not choosing to work. There are plenty of jobs you can get within firestone and you already get income by just playing. There isn’t really any benefits to give. “Reemployment Services” is really none of our concern. We don’t care who you work for or long how you worked there. We only care if you were wrongfully treated there. We already investigate companies that are unfair, unjust, and overall unsafe along with any violations of DOCM Regulations. We already have a department of labor, its called the Department of Commerce. If there is any actual concerns, take it up with DOCM. We may not respond right away but trust me, we see it. Regardless of the situation, we always find out about it.


Adding onto the safety thing, we’re not gonna micromanage every business to ensure their running safely. Its firestone, shootouts happen every 2 seconds. If we micromanaged everyone, we’d have no businesses.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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my guy do you new congress people just make forums about issues that have been given solutions already in hopes to look good in the public eye?

this is not a congress accountability thing, lol. theres already things in place to help protect businesses and docm exists for a reason.


This is all terrible, being required to pay employees is a bad decision because business owners do not make enough to pay EVERY single employee. Plus, they do not get any kind of funds or from the business itself because any sales made by an employee goes to the employee instead of the business itself. Unemployment and reemployment benefits/services has no point because once again, there is not much benefits we can have.

Commerce already does that and has specific policies about this.

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??? bruh hypocrisy top tier


You don’t need to bring everything from real life into firestone it simply would not work

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you always seem to have these outrageous suggestions that’ll never work out nor have enough people to manage


we literally dont need unemployment benefits, this is Roblox not real life.


I like your enthusiasm and ideas. However, I think you fail to realize this is a game. You cant improve conditions at a work place because there’s nothing anyone can do. For example, making a law where it’s illegal to buy illegal firearms doesn’t stop criminals from doing crimes :joy: :joy:. For unemployment benefits who’s gonna pay them? There isn’t a treasury department that can give out money. Or infact, where will the money come from? Congress doesn’t print money the founders basically does. Who qualifies as unemployed? Everyone ranked middle class citizens? How will you distribute unemployment checks? Also for labor? What labor is anyone doing in this game? It’s a game of choice. You either do it or don’t do it. At the end, I understand you want this game to be realistic but there is a line where realism in this game stops at.


I would help businesses by reaching out but I did not run for senate as I had a criminal record

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Trust me bro I’m writing a bill that will actually protect business owners


The founders basically do* not the founders basically does
Submitted with all due respect.


reaching out is very different than actual influential legislative action that provides help and or actually makes takes at reducing or wiping out issues. anyone can reach out but its very different than proposing a legislative idea.


everything you’ve suggested is next to outrageous and very unrealistic for a platform such as Firestone, or any ro-political group whatsoever. OSHA verifying safe work conditions and enforcement of worker safety law and policies is next to impossible and would make roleplay very unfun, and need to have incorporated game mechanics to follow suit (which will never happen.)

unemployment benefits are garbage and would also need to have in-game mechanics to follow suit, that again, will never happen. nonetheless—what “unemployment benefits” would be offered? reemployment services are garbage and most companies hire people with a slim to none criminal record, getting any county or state level worker job requires next to no criminal record.


Make it stricter and crime goes down, killing the game


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