We did it joe

I have no regrets


I’m sure the replies to this will be very productive and wholesome


Of course! Isn’t Firestone such a wonderful community?

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i mean


Honestly I’m glad there has been some more progress within our government. Congratulations to our new governor and Lt gov and let’s hope they don’t disappoint!


Still holds up, just change black to female.
But yeah, before anyone starts accusing us of identity politics, this game is literally “what if we made an entire community out of the most generic white yokel spawn we could on the internet, like let’s just make a Birmingham, AL middle school a virtual country.” And the result is what one would predict. I honestly don’t know how the judiciary and legal system became a gay cult over the years, but everytime someone who breaks the mold gets power here I just like to watch the fire.


To me, it wasn’t a man vs women thing. It was just about who the people wanted.

At the end of the day, Chloe and Jade didn’t win because they were or were not a certain gender, they were just candidates that most people aligned themselves with and wanted to win. They had lots of friends in the community. They ran on a chill platform and staying active within the game.

We haven’t had a strong woman governor candidate until now. The people just liked the campaign that Chloe and Jade were running with.

Yes, it is great that a pair of women are in office, but more importantly is that these candidates are competent and bring more to the job than just the title of 1st female governorship. Not just a pointless diversity hire.


ofc you don’t have any regrets because you literally wanna be simply that low. grow up


chloe and jade had my full support in the election and i’m very happy to be apart of their advisory team for their term. they are both capable of doing great things for the state in it’s end-times era.

p.s sorry i beat you and danny to ascend to the throne of my governorship years ago, even though we most likely agree on virtually nothing you would’ve been more than capable for the job.


was confused jow firestone was birmingham, realised it must be a place in america after 30 seconds of thinking


Fuck… I forgot to vote again… good thing they won cause that’s who I was going to vote for LOL


kam held governorship well but you as a person became progressively worse as your term went on. please reevaluate yourself. and congrats


if i do that its ego but if he does it then its professionalism

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While I don’t agree with some arguments presented in this thread, as Skye said, it’s really is making Firestone history. This state has been around for 6 years, and it’s quite surprising that it took us this long to have a female governor and lieutenant governor. Also, for anyone curious, this makes it now so that the major 5 political positions in this state (GOV, LTG, CCJ, SOTH, CE) have all held a female holder. Nonetheless, congratulations to both candidates on their victory! This election has been quite toxic, so it’s good that we can put this election behind us and continue on.


I believe our Chief Justice is happy with the outcome of this election, despite the court house being burnt down!



I am glad that those two are governor and lieutenant governor. Not because they are women, but because Kamraxn rigged the election before this one so that he would win and he brainwashed everyone and he’s trying to force us to abandon our liberties and he’s trying to get rid of illegal gun dealers!

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i dont agree with the way it was said but he does have a small point… what qualifications do they have… lol. (atleast compared to other candidates)

dont get me wrong, im excited to see what they do during their term, and have enjoyed working with them in the past. but i can see a point.


this is so refreshing to see, can’t wait to see what this duo does :two_hearts:


Birmingham is a city in the State of Alabama, which is a state widely considered to be a hillbilly cesspool of racism and sore losers.

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