V3 suggestions

Houses would also be a nice feature, also, the reason V3 has the regular roblox terrain is because everyone has a potato pc so they lag a lot on part terrain maps

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gives heart and 5 stars


A post was merged into an existing topic: V3 suggestions [ Main / Official Forum ]



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Lovely idea, definitely support it.

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V3 better have the best gun scripts, snipers, scoping, etc.


amazing ideas, AP will be getting a camera and possibly a spot light in a future V2 update, obvious thanks to @envelope for supporting V2 development wise and keeping it fun for everyone while V3 is in the works

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Then some more things:

  1. Usable traffic cameras and speed cameras/red light cameras. Allow criminals to cover up their plate or something and red light cameras require an officer to view and cite.
  2. Be able to cite a vehicle, once the owner enters the vehicle they pay the fine (illegal parking for example)
  3. ASU cameras and tracking ability+zoom and speed radar
  4. The IO bank robbery update was a great first step to this, but it’d be nice to add more things like it. For example (if the victim wants) RPing a homicide/death of other kind and more investigatory manners.
  5. Houses in v3 and addresses for each person that buys one (and maybe some type of feature where every couple of hours the houses are unclaimed and other people can buy them/when the person leaves the house is unclaimed). This will also allow for search warrants and things like that

clear throat loudly

not for us potato PCs

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Also, my suggestion is to add a loan system


Well let’s see, it’s better than

  • Mayflower cars (they attempt a manual gear system but fail, and their steering is slow)
  • That default car GUI that everyone uses (bad steering and braking)
  • TwentyTwoPilots’s car system (slow steering and braking, bad speed control)

But yeah the steering is a bit sensitive in Firestone and the speed glitch is super frustrating (going 100 SPS but it feels like 20) especially on duty


A post was merged into an existing topic: V3 suggestions [ Main / Official Forum ]


If the roads are the way they are in V2 (with 90 degree turns) then driving a huge semi is probably not going to work too well…

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The roads in v2 are usually pretty smooth. The only problem is the intersections and the lack of slip lanes (the fucking right turn into CD is a pain to make and you pretty much have to curb the sidewalk if someone is in the opposite lane)

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5 chars


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add civ boats

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: V3 suggestions [ Main / Official Forum ]

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A post was merged into an existing topic: V3 suggestions [ Main / Official Forum ]

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