V3 Car Mechanics


Hello Firestone Developers and Community! I have a GREAT suggestion about V3 car mechanics that hopefully many of you will like. I recently noticed that with this new terrain in V3, vehicles are hard to maneuver off road, mainly on trails. Hopefully, in V3, the trails will be both hiking and driving trails. Weather they allow that or not, I believe Jeeps and trucks should have an option to be 4-Wheel Drive to allow the FRONT wheels to be the main wheels. Many cars in real life are front wheel drive, not back wheel. I know that ALL cars in V3 are rear wheel drive because you can only climb mountain going backwards. I believe all vehicles should be FRONT wheel drive and not rear wheel as this will add more realism. Please consider my suggestion for the new car mechanics, thank you! Any questions/clarifications or opinions about this feel free to reply down below!


A mega thread exist for v3 suggestion.

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