V2 Intro Songs

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Does anyone know the name of the songs or know of the playlist they used for all the songs? When I do the “what song is playing?” with Siri it doesn’t know :man_shrugging: . If anyone knows the name of the songs/ Roblox ID that would be great. Thanks for viewing an interest.


wait… you actually want to know the name of the songs?? siri is useless just use shazam and it will probably work if you actually do.


what if he likes the song? he isn’t gonna join v2 every single time he wants to listen to the song he likes.


yeah so i gave him a solution to that since he said siri couldn’t find it. :man_shrugging:

What is Shazam?

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It’s an app that identifies any song that’s played

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shazam is literally integrated into siri for this, it’s the same thing

songs are:

local SoundLibrary = {
	"rbxassetid://143286028", --Thunder

Yeah, shazam is integrated into siri but sometimes it doesn’t fully pick up the sound, plus the Shazam app can be useful sometimes

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Ask google assistant then Siri. That’s what I do.

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intro songs for V2 suck major ass, We need Aca-Daca, We need fucking Pink Floyd, We need goddamn Guns and Roses up in here. (Legitimately we need these songs so I dont feel like im loading into some fucking Jazz ensemble)


We go full DarkRP and only have really fucking loud EDM playing as the game starts with an MOTD over it.


Wow Nice and btw I love pancakes bye

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:+1: agreed

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