Unpopular opinion : fs dhs has way too much cool shit

dhs is basically 4 departments put into one, so what do you expect we have lots of tech… only agents/officers in their divison can use the tech provided for that said divison

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i see how its neccessary now.

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I barely trust FSP with a gun yet alone a criminal investigation division

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Other departments should, at the least have a bureau to work with prosecutors to prosecute crime, even if not to the extent that IO does it.

If they can find competent people to staff them then sure. But SCSO and FSP have an issue with following basic sections of the BOR, I have a feeling most of their investigations would be useless for prosecutors.

I don’t trust the normal patrol officers, I see a high level of incompetence and plain stupidness. But, if there were high standards for said division and competent staff, everyone is all for it.
The issue is Fed not wanting it. Otherwise there would be one.

True, maybe SCSO and FSP investigators should be required to have a BAR cert maybe? and reccomendation by the AG to become an investigator

It’s not like we’re going to let everybody in that division, but I dont care if DHS has that division.

And also stop interpreting that FSP are a bunch of sped kids. Please.

FSP is, unfortunately, the LEA problem child either due to size, poor training, or both. I’d like to fix it, but I have no power to.

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With all due respect, a lot of your troopers have shown high levels of incompetence in the past, and present. Although it’s going down, I still see it daily. The new command has done a lot to cut down on it, and a lot of incompetent troopers have been cut from the department.

DHS has different purposes, I think a lot of people fail to understand that they need these resources. What do you guys want uniformed to have MP5s? Uniformed to have SRTs? Uniformed to have cool tech like wtf. There is only so many people using that actual “cool” things in DHS that it doesn’t matter to the 100+ in SCSO and FSP.


Two words on why we have those types of Troopers.

POST Newbies. The main problem is that POST isn’t teaching them common sense.

Shouldn’t have to be taught. It should be filtered out during the multiple stages of training. It’s simple to filter them out, you guys just aren’t doing it. I agree POST doesn’t teach it, but it shouldn’t have to be taught.
E1: @ing codelaw

This is turning out of topic, you should try to stick to the original topic :ok_hand:

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Alright lads, get back to the discussion regarding the OP

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Its not that I think that DHS should not have these tools, DHS needs them,

its that other depts should get their own tools as well.

POST doesn’t teach common sense. I understand. Back when Straphos and I ran SCSO, we had no problems, just FSP. You’re complaining that POST doesn’t do anything? Why don’t you worry about yourself because you’re ignoring valid complaints the public is sending you.

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Back to the topic

Well when you have 10-14 year olds, you have to teach them that,like I say to my Troopers. “If you think it is a bad idea, Don’t do it” . Imma be honest when I first came out of POST i didn’t know anything expect the Radio codes and how to do the Traffic Stops and HR’s. I had to observe and teach myself.

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the sniper was given to swat too

k9 was promised for ages, we have had the division for ages.

investigations kit for IO, they have no other special tools.

training use only transit bus is literally just a copy of the new DOT bus, it’s not “new” it’s for CRT to use for training purposes.