Thoughts on 'new' FRP Rules?

So, as many of you know I stopped playing FS. Yes, I once again have joined the County today, and I noticed we now have new Moderators and new FRP rules. I can Honestly say I’m glad I don’t play FS too often, as I just found out ‘Attention’ seeking is now a bannable offense. I rammed the fresh and new Moderator Mythic with my car and he said ‘Oh, I forgot I can ban people for attention seeking’. I was like naw fool but Yup I looked at the new FRP list and he is not kidding. These new rules are horrible and will lead to a lot of abuse. Anyone can define attention seeking in so many ways. Some people could say ramming you is attention seeking, some could say speeding when you know cops are around is attention seeking, the list goes on and on. And Yes you might be like ‘Well we trust our mods to use common sense and good judgment’ No, Myhtric didn’t ban me but he did say ‘Oh yeah I forgot we can ban for attention seeking’ Which is kinds saying do it again and you’re banned. I also find it stupid that this is a thing…OF COURSE, CITIZENS want attention from COPS we don’t have ANYTHING ELSE TO DO (at least if you have a bad record). I Also hate this new ‘RK’ rule like what the heck. I always kill anyone in view for their CASH now I can’t even make money by killing because of this new RK rule SMH How is that FRP? I Don’t understand…many killers IRL would kill anyone if they got the chance to like active shooters they kill anyone in sight (I know it’s horrible IRL) But the same scenario should apply to FS. When I do active shootings I kill anyone in my frickin view and I feel like these new rules are making firestone worse. Some moderators already are abusive with the current RP rules COUGH COUGH Airplane, anyways what do you think? I can tell you this, Ever since I left Firestone I’ve been a lot more active IRL and I now play Mayflower from time to time and sad to say I don’t have to deal with all the admin abuse I mean my god…And don’t be that dude to go ‘Then stay out of fs and play mayflower’ No, I want to fix Firestone it’s a good State but has some WEIRD rules and abusive admins. kthx

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link to list of these new rules?

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I read the first part of your paragraph because it’s too fucking long and very hard to read, so I would suggest you format it next time.

If you have an issue with how a moderator enforces a rule, feel free to approach my DMs and I will be willing to clarify on the guide itself for moderators to refer to in the future.


If you have a legitimate report about a moderator, it should be sent to my direct messages. :ok_woman:

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wait when was mythric a fucking moderator

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Just today.

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The reason the RK rule exists is because almost every criminal just opens fire at CD on like 15 people, and this usually happens multiple times per server. We have thankfully not gotten to the point irl where a mass shooting happens every 30 minuets. Just commit actual legit crime e.e Like targeted hits instead of just shooting everyone.

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It proves my point that most criminals are capable only of few things:

  1. do mass shootings without reason
  2. reckless drive
  3. copbait

Well Ive personally stopped doing hostage situations cause DHS has stopped damnit RPing with me

They only burst in, I kill the hostage, they kill me, then they call it a days work done.

Then there was a time when SF used shift lock to see my location in Rogreens once, then just bursted in and killed me. No RP aspect at all anymore.

Its not us, it’s the cops who don’t wanna RP with us

I also enjoy long pursuits and HRS situations, yet a lot of cops still don’t RP in HRS’

@loleikz stopped me in an HRS the other day, was at the 1:2 position, and ordered me out then just cuffed me. No RP whatsoever. Just getting me out and arrested, non of the slow motion fun HRS that gets me out orderly.

As for moderators, I think @Mythric Is doing a FANTASTIC job as a mod. He is stern and very active. (thanks boi and sorry about a few months ago again and congrats on FSP Lieutenant)

@iLordOfAviation is the same way. I accidentally was doing something I shouldn’t have been doing, he stopped me and was all polite about it and just told me I couldn’t do it and was rlly cool about it.

k well thanks for your time but it’s not just the criminals faults (well the actual RP criminals)

I try to be a good RP criminal so if anyone has suggestions pls hmu in dms


I do target hits bb :smiley:


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I kinda sympathize with LEOs here. Irl, every building isn’t a windowless bunker of a room which you cannot see into it or know what’s going on unless you go inside. Nor do they have tools like length mirrors, stick cameras, etc. Unless the hostage taker is really willing to just hand everything over, the police’s only real option is to bust in.

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TRUUUUU but they CAN just pop in with their hands up right? then proceed with negotiations “unarmed”

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Well, I can’t enforce RP on people, mods can. I attempt to RP as much as I can.

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no wrong. I’d love to rp if everyone rps. first is that in my patrol in like 15 arrests 5 of them logs, and others just frp fliping and stuff, plus i think u know that a job as leo is rlly stressful we really just wanna get our job done because guess what, before you finish a callout, you get another.
EDIT: AND OH ITS NOT A HRS AT ALL, your car got pinned aganst a light pole so we are just gettin you outta there and arrest you

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Maybe you and a handful of others roleplay that correctly, but 99% of people don’t. If I go into a hostage situation trying to roleplay and make negotiation attempts with my hands up, I’m dead before my screen even turns from the black door things.

Because so many people are unwilling to properly roleplay that, LEOs just breach and take down the hostage taker. I’d rather you die committing a criminal act than I do trying to negotiate.

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ANYTIME you need to arrest someone from a vehicle… you make an HRS… that’s common sense. I was a shooter. I had a gun. Do an HRS. A shooter is a HIGH RISK isn’t he?

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Fairly certain the FRP rules are meant to combat people who actually want to screw up scenes.

For example, we just had a rogue National Guard member, he’ll be unnamed simply cause I’m too lazy to divulge in it. Got pulled over, shot a deputy, ran off, admin gets on, bans him. Badda bing badda boom.
Real life Guardsman going rogue? Has about the same chance that an asteroid’s going to hit the Earth, simply because their moral compass (no offense) doesn’t have the aspects of a 13 year old who decides to shoot people on a game because he thinks it’s fun and then causes shit in the process.

Plus, there’s the ever so constant situations with us in the SCFD. People ramming responding fire apparatus and glitching them out. People purposely obstructing a scene and continuously doing so, going in and out of the cones and running away when we try to OC them. People sitting on, laying down on, running on patients at a scene, refusing to get behind cones and making their presence absolutely fucking annoying, people repeatedly hitting medics and patients at a scene then taking off and running away, then returning to do it again because the LEOs are occupied with keeping that one 2.0 ODer behind a friggin’ cone.

While I’m completely on your side about this, especially since everyone knows there’s criminals out there who want to be part of the actual RP community, I’m putting it out there that I’m fairly certain these aren’t made specifically to be against you, they’re made to fight the people who literally make RP an inconsiderable aspect of Firestone.


the only reason people ram scfd is to
harm them
or frp

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Wtf… People do that in real life too, Why would that be FRP?