Thoughts on "County Government Abolishment Act"?

is that the government’s fault

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Kinda yeah. They have literally two damn people to control. If they can’t do that it’s just sad.

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the two people have 60-100 to control and would scso be allowed to look at the laws passed and put it in their discord?

My opinion is communication is the worst

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No, sorry.

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The reason why deputies dont enforce county law is because due to the state govt creating over 99% of all laws applicable in the game, coutny govt cant make good laws officers can actually enforce, and hence, the consequence is due to state govt holding too much power, county govt cant make laws that deputies can actually enforce within their jurisdiction.




I think we all should realize that if the county was tailored more towards providing services, instead of primarily enforcing ordinances, it would be better off.

If Fedora would’ve made some of these state agencies (e.g. Public Works Department, Commerce Department, Corrections) for the county gov’t, there would’ve been some form of equilibrium.

Once someone explains to me why the state is in charge of picking up trash, maybe I would change my philosophy of things.


While Fed is a dictator, you are foolish to defy him.

He can ban you for whatever reason he’d like. You can’t do anything lol.


I think that we all need to look at the optics of the situation here, the fact of the matter is that we’re having problems at even managing the state government whenever it comes to congress, and especially the Executive Branch.

If we look at the concurrent shape of the County Government, it has created a multitude of problems that feed into it’s lackluster system that has branched off into so many different tabs that we can’t even keep track.

I’m not going to say if I support the bill because quite frankly, there are a lot of great concepts that are continuously introduced monthly but don’t revise loopholes. However, I think that we can all come to an effective resolution that works for everyone and continues to promote the ideology of bipartisanship through systems of government.

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County Laws do not get added to the MDT and all of the LEOs in Firestone enforces laws only in the MDT

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Considering the MDT is hilariously wrong often that’s twice as funny

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this is why we need a criminal code

something butsworth promised but never gave in his failed governancy


again why are we blaming an outdated mdt on the county gov?

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heres my opinion : county government and the people are sad they chose the wrong profession because they dont have all of the power so they abolish it. facts.

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jesus christ can we fucking leave the county government alone holy shit



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