The Manslaughter Case

Here’s a tip guys: if you have no god damn idea what you are talking about, don’t talk about it. Do you people know how fucking annoying this is? There are very few people in this state who understand the law and our legal system competently, we’re talking under 50 lads. And yet, everytime something like this comes up, suddenly 200 people are bar certified experts on the law. I’ve been doing this for over a year, I know damn well what I’m talking about. I understand that the justice system isn’t perfect, it never will be. I’m sorry the law doesn’t always do what we want it to do, it’s not my fault I just enforce what it says. I’m sorry this state has little accountability laws regarding law enforcement, but every time I try to hold LEOs accountable I get shit on. So basically, I don’t do something I get shit on (regardless if I physically can’t do anything or not), or I do something and I get shit on. I will crap my pants the day I get to make a decision, that everyone is moderately ok with, or at least is competent enough to understand the damn decision, instead of the giant mass of ignorance that swells when these things occur. As I said @Samtella get me a picture of you dying or hell, a credible witness to confirm and I can do something.


I actually find it funny that people pretend to be knowledgable in law when they’re not…
Not pointing fingers here, but its true

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ya like me

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One of the ways DHS abuses their authority


does that mean I can shoot at cars and get away with it, because its not against the law?


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well ya see, you dont hold a high rank in a dept

so u cant do it


and the AG refusing to prosecute criminals

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No one has been prosecuted for a non-felony offense (excluding conspiracy to commit a felony offense) since Disordio. If you’d like I’ll start prosecuting everyone, including law enforcement, for reckless driving. And considering everyone lags I can’t wait to see half the state fined or incarcerated!

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In the picture provided, I see a limo that is tinted to its fullest, with lights, and a gov’t license plate. I wouldn’t even go near it.

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Show me the law then.

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I’m stating that these laws don’t exist, to show you the law, I direct you to look at any space around you, notice how a law isn’t there? There you go.

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How about you stop the disrespect. kthx

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ur still retarded and a scrawny whiner kthx bai

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that’s not necessarily disrespect, disrespect would be calling danny a stupid cigar (in place of a harsher substitute of similar definition)
all he’s saying is, just like real life, law enforcement is exempted from certain laws even if there’s an absence of a specific decree saying so
for instance, the NYPD ESU (because NYC, hell yeah) dresses in full tactical gear and walks around with M4s in times square, but no one sees albany complaining that they’re violating the four or whatever laws that say new yorkers aren’t allowed to open carry a gun (much less even own a gun, which is very rare for us), neither is anyone complaining about them not being arrested for not being allowed to open carry a gun (basically no law saying that they CAN open carry a gun because they’re cops)
it’s implied with the job and it’s certified through POST, if you got a problem with DHS or FSP or SCSO open carrying long rifles or pistols or shotguns, give POST and DHS and FSP and SCSO and DOJ’s supreme court a call, not complain to papa danny

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Don’t really know who is this directed to but wew

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i think the system works like this

if the person you are replying to is directly above you (ie me and you right now), there won’t be the little image

if the person you are replying to is above another person, though, it creates the image

so uh, yeah, he was replying to dogs

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Jason, you are just mad you don’t get protected by SS anymore, and if I am honest that is not why people don’t like you, including me.

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So with that logic, he can charge someone with something that doesn’t exist so he can be charged with something that does exist



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