The legal system is a mess

Of course, since you can’t disprove what I said, you attack me personally.

You call me incompetent, but I’m not the one being insane.

You don’t deserve your position.

Yes, calling someone ignorent when he points out the problems with your field. Great job, you deserve AG!

my bad bro

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At one point did I say our system isn’t flawed?

Also, learn to spell “ignorant”.

Also, learn to have a respectful debate, because I already proved you wrong.

You’re also funny if you think POST will ever leave the government.

Our system is perfectly fine, you’re most likely just angry about something and is blaming it on the judicial system.

Do you not know the definition of “perfect” - you clearly said it was perfect. If its perfect, it isn’t flawed.

Also, learn to have a respectful debate, because I already proved you wrong.

Hey, you just dismissed my reasoning immediately instead of at least considering what I pointed out.

Then you proceed to attack my position. Don’t play the victim card, you are anything but that.

Also, where did you prove me wrong? Calling me ignorant?

You’re also funny if you think POST will ever leave the government.

I didn’t say it should

If you aren’t able to understand any criticism about your position and your field, leave.

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I stated our system is perfectly fine, meaning it’s fine where it is. You can have flaws and a good system, because there is not flawless system.

I understand where your coming from and your complaints, but I’m dismissing them because they simply are not true.

You said this before I attacked you and your position. Do not play the victim card yourself, bud.

You have lost all of my respect because you simply cannot have a reasonable debate.

I am no longer arguing with you as I have proven my point, and you can’t even defend against it.

I lost all respect for you as soon as you called me ignorant for pointing out an OBVIOUS problem. You need to read the state legislature trello.

I find it insulting you attack my position over my criticism and expect no escalation in return.

I understand where your coming from and your complaints, but I’m dismissing them because they simply are not true.

Another example of you arrogantly denying obvious problems.

Also, *you’re

FurryFish said V3 will have a list of arrest reasons, dont know about cite reasons.

u r confusing

Control F doesnt work because some times the titles are not what they seem

For example to find murder theres no murder trello. Instead there is “A bill to save lives.”

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That’s why you need to do relevancy.

I can honestly say “CTRL-F” works miracles.

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Then you search for it on the forums. That’s literally what I did as Attorney General.

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I can 100% agree that departments cannot blacklist people for anything anymore without them retaliating and going to the court. As Maximus stated, if you’re a Deputy irl and you tell your Lieutenant he’s a “dick”, you’re gonna get thrown outta there. but no no we care more about pixelated rights than irl rights


the department of justice should stop prosecuting people for violating the constitution or bill of rights, when said person was literally doing their job
say you are a deputy, and go on-duty, and tell 5 civilians to go die, tell the sheriffs to kill himself, and that they are all jews, you are going to be fired.
but if you get fired you can just sue the person for BOR.I, win the case, get your spot back, and fuck over someones career.
the bill of rights and constitution need to be revised and redone…again…to avoid more stuff like this

congress needs to pass a bill to give depts more power with disciplinary action, or just update bor

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Sorry, not all bills are in the forums. So that does not work