The Discord Moderation Situation

Here’s how I see this whole moderation thing:

If this is what you all mean by “Automod” (This is not my screenshot. I do not like burning my eyes, thank you)

Then, yes, that is a Discord-level thing. The “commonly flagged words” rules is a list that Discord themselves control, which if you want to learn more about it, you can do so by reading this help article over on Discord’s website.

I agree, solely relying on voice recognition for moderation in voice channels is not really a good idea, as even Alexa, which Amazon claims can understand everyone, has trouble sometimes.

The settings Dannyboy has here is what I recommend for anyone who doesn’t fully understand AutoMod. I also use these settings, combined with Dyno for phrases and words I don’t want members saying, but mods and staff are allowed to say.

For those that are still interested in reading more about Discord’s AutoMod feature, there is a blog post that you can read as well as the help article I linked above.