@Soiandiis wave
This term not only have I been working with the Speaker of the House L_3ee, former governor Sharkfish, and several other members on a new traffic code, but I have been working on speaking to multiple law enforcement over the issues they see with it. I have spoken to other congress members in providing input on Legislation in which they have proposed, have reviewed thoughts from the public on what they see to be legislated by what has been posted in the said suggestions channel, and I have been assisting some municipals in creating their own legislation, such as Prominence for example, creating the Prom Park Safety amendment to the Traffic Code.
Now no, the Traffic Code was not done this term as I had hoped for it to be, however it is in progress. As any individual can tell you, redoing a Code as that, especially Kerbal the traffic god himself could vouch for this, takes time and precise detail.
If you wish to know more of what I have done in greater detail, please let me know. I am no whiz who whips out legislation by the snap of a finger, but what I am working on I am ensuring is pristine once it is done.
i support my boss
deport support
support to the woman legislator and worst ambulance driver who shouldnt ever be let near one again
i taught her well, just like @zoieU_U demonstrated to me when she was my pic
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