Stapleton County Fire Department Protest

Stapleton County Fire Department Protest

The Stapleton County Fire Department held a protest today against the Department of Health abuse and aggressive behavior towards Firefighters and Paramedics. The Stapleton County Fire Department has been getting threatened and harassed by DoH officials for no reason. Today the County Government, SCSO, SCFD, County Executive and Citizens Stood together to protest this!

More Information will be published once it becomes available!




very cool! fuck doh!!


The Department of Health is currently saying this:

“Like you’re literally making shit up just because we denied your flawed documents” - Jahan22

This is disputed by the SCFD.


The SCFD protest has now moved to the Department of Health HQ.


Another Department of Health Official has stated: “they’re protesting about DOH abusing SCFD despite the worst thing that doh did to scfd was suspend 3 employees i na fair trial where they all admitted to it
hicom claims theres multiple complain that have been made by ffs and pms to hicom about supervisory board members
hicom never told us about those
hicom also stated all those complaints have no evidence and are thus irrelevant (their words)
the deputy chief also said that cooperation with DOH isnt available
despite us offering cooperation multiple times
which is an unwillingness from their side” - iiPentagramz


what exactly did DOH do


The Lieutenant Governor has showed up aswell as higher ranking members of the Department of Health. The Lieutenant Governor showed dissatisfaction of the fact that DoH was overstepping and wanted FD to have freedom. The DOH attempted to talk to us and the protest turned into talking to DoH and Fed Government.


The Department of Public Safety and Department of Justice have reportedly filed charges for ‘Aiding and Abetting Disorderly Conduct’ against FD employees who used a ladder to gain access to the roof.


DoH shouldn’t rlly be allowed to touch SCFD, the secretary just loves himself some power


Expect legislation. My office and the County Affairs Committee will be looking into a compromise to ensure both competent workers and allow SCFD to have some leg room.


All this and I still haven’t seen a shred of evidence for these accusations.

SCFD must have some type of evidence to prove it?

Sounds sketchy to me.


0400 forum essay, why not!

The relationship between DOG and SCFD has always been tenuous, grudging at least, and toxic at best.
DOH, as the literal state department of health, should have say into matters regarding malpractice, especially as it’s the fucking Department of Health.
However, from what I’ve seen, the SCFD, chooses to try to remain autonomous and separate from DOH policies. This has quite literally resulted in three different certifications: Firestone Medical Association certification for civilians (under DOH), DOH medical certifications that differ from that taught by the SCFD, and SCFD medical certifications. It doesn’t stop there, but it’s way too early to do research on that.
DOH views itself as a necessity in order to prevent malpractice, including regulation of medical agencies, a category of which the SCFD EMS corps division man we need something to make this sound cool unit falls into. However, the SCFD perpetually believes DOH is overstepping its bounds, infringing upon County government boundaries, and tries to remain separate from it.
I’ll admit, the SCFD has never been the best agency, and my hopes for the fire sector of Firestone is slowly circling the drain (what sort of drain, I don’t want to know). But if what I’m hearing is true, then all my hope for the SCFD, with its inherent toxicity, appointment of (no offense) incompetent command staff, and hiring of (again, no offense) kiddies that don’t know how government works and (no offenseee) self-righteous old timers who don’t know how to go commit Jedi Order and let go of their hatred, has just gone completely out the door.
God, Firestone needs to grow the fuck up.


Please DM regarding the above statement.

SCFD, Operations Captain


After a few days since the Protest, the Department of Health has added a supervisory board with a representative from SCFD, DoH, FFA, FMA. These will be the people responsible for suspensions, revocations of medical licenses.


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