Should Firestone Shutdown?

This is a random question that came to my mind should firestone shut down and be given to another owner? Why or why not?

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Firestone will eventually be shutdown… But hey, it’s a theory known as The Fedora Cycle

He did it with TRC/Rockport, Then with Norfolk, Firestone Is Next in This Cycle

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Honestly I see this going bad. Given to another owner, idk. The owner might be shitty.

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I believe it should.



I 100% hate the dictator ownership of Firestone, death to FedoramasterB98!

I, PewDiePie, House of Representatives, support this.



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super signed

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Firestone could or could not soon shutdown. It’s unknown and it’s up to Fedora if he wants to shutdown the group or if he wants to pass it on.

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