Search Warrant to: The Firestone National Guard (VOID)

Under Article Three, Section Four of the State of Firestone Constitution, this Warrant requires those listed to search and seize the stated articles under penalty of law. The articles seized are to be DMed to the authorizing judge.

To: The Department Head and Deputy Department Head of the Firestone National Guard specifically, it is your duty to comply. Though, any commissioned officer may also present the required articles.

Place to be searched: The Firestone National Guard Discord General channel.

Articles to be seized: All conversations within the last twelve hours (as of this warrant being issued) regarding the Supreme Court Case 1superchris2, ET AL v. The Firestone National Gaurd. Specifically, all comments directed at the petitioner.

Failure to comply within 24 hours, or deleting/editing evidence is contempt of court and evidence tampering, and will be meet with prosecution and incarceration.

Note: The State Constitution trumps all classification laws.

State of Firestone


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