SCFD / Secondary Jobs Poll

a picture says a 10000 words - some guy from the 1800s


The ranks of Firefighter/Paramedic ONLY being secondary would be great.

However if option 2 were to be implemented, other secondary departments would be negatively impacted as well SCFD itself impacted. Option 1 is the way to go until a proper solution is proposed.

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Yeah I’m not arguing that. The 1 primary 1 secondary thing would be dumb. I’m saying make Firefighter/Paramedic ranks secondary.


i dont think a dumbass can get a group with 100,000+ members.

look who’s the POTUS, at this point anything’s possible

but anyway, seriously, i don’t understand why Fed feels that SCFD is a take it or leave it job


Top 1 Reason SCFD has Staffing Issues

Number 15 - There’s hardly any info on FFA (is that even a thing anymore?) for people just coming in to FS. Also, people really don’t want to have to google a bunch of the things they’ll need to know. POST is just a much easier route for anyone coming in to the state for the first time.

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FFA is infact still a thing. I also agree with you.

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FFA dummied down the curriculum a bit too much after fed said no, in my view.

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facts i think anyone who’s gone through FFA can say that it made it harder to understand

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FFA should make a how-to guide on joining SCFD/FFA the same way POST does so that if someone says “how to join fire department” you can give them the document for them to read with all the necessary information in it

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