Release on the Interpretation of C.II.I

On the eve of April 5th, 2018 the Supreme Court of Firestone held a hearing regarding this case on C.II.I. More specifically, if a person who has served two gubernatorial terms can then run as Lieutenant Governor. The Court decided unanimously that a person in this situation could not do so. The reasoning for this being that in one gubernatorial term, it is almost guaranteed that one or more Governors will resign. With this, the person who is Lieutenant Governor would be next in line to be Governor. However, if a person whom has served the maximum two gubernatorial terms occupies the Lieutenant Governor’s office, than s/he could not move onto be Governor. This would cause a lot of undue strain and chaos, possibly even causing a power vacuum.

FIoatmanjason, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

SharpEyeJay, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

DannyboyLaw, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


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