RBLXTrc for Redwood City Council

Good Afternoon, my name is RBLXTrc; and I’ve decided to run for the Stapleton County Council. With my prior political experiences, I do believe I could be of some assistance to the legislative branch.

As a politician, I understand many citizens will hold me accountable for the points I campaign on. If elected, I will be presenting many bills to improve our state. So, I’ve taken the time to list some of my plans.

My primary proposal is to influence our state’s ability to conduct commerce, and to improve our economy for local businesses. I plan to achieve this my proposing bills that will negotiate favorable terms for small businesses. With help from fellow members of congress and the Department of Commerce, I plan to also create regulations that will reward businesses for their impact on the economy.

My second proposal would be to improve articles in our constitution. As of now, our constitution has many holes that need to be fixed as soon as possible. For example, Article IV had made it hard to preserve checks and balances. I will work with members of judicial branch to restore checks and balances by amendments. I truly believe with enough support, we could make a change.

The final proposition is to increase the availability of jobs within our state. You really only have a few job options, you’re either an officer, a politician, or a judge. Along with the current limitations of jobs, you can only have so many members in each profession. I’ll be writing bills that will create jobs for more citizens. Jobs such as capital staff, or if needed, new departments. With the creation of these jobs, we will have a more interactive population.

Thank you for taking the time to read my speech; I do hope I will get a chance to help improve our glorious state. I am looking forward to seeing what the citizens think of me, and I will be available for any questions you may have about me.

Thank you,


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Middle Class Citizen
State of Firestone


I support.

Corporal AncientShay, Firestone State Patrol

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