Petition to congress to allow sweepers to go below the speed limit


Middle Class Citizen
State of Firestone

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@dragon2290 @Straphos Tell yer LEOs to stop pullin over street sweepers for going too slow. They’re just doing their job.

Consulted with the LEO department heads.


Actually by the law pulling over DPW employees is fine and is legal.

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It’s fine and legal if the sweeper can go faster

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It is not defined by law, if sweeper is going too slow (which is illegal) then he can be pulled over.

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Then let’s solve it by contacting a representative or Senator.



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But the problem is they HAVE to go under the limit for it to be realistic. Sweepers don’t do 40 or 50 in real life do they? No. They do 10-20.

What law prohibits the act of going under the speed limit exactly? If that were the case, officers will be able to give you a citation for going to speed limit when road conditions don’t permit.


That’s what I mean, there has to be a law about that

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Apparently, that was a fake and that law doesn’t exist, kthx my bad

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Update: There is a law about hindering so I am pretty much right.

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I would just not pull over sweepers since they have to go slower

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Making legislation on this matter now,

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DOT has sweepers too, but we just don’t pull em out till winter. Disreguard, wrong thing. I was thinking of snow plows. Sorry.

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What? Since when does DOT have sweepers. We have never had sweepers and never will. Not a job for DOT, that’s a job for DPW. I think you’re thinking of snow plows.

Correct, I was talking about Snow Plows. Sorry, Secretary.

All good, just was correcting it for you :wink: