The State of Firestone is the highest level of the centralized government that exists, therefore that, in a way, would make it a federal government anyways. Theyre feds, you can’t go higher than what they are. In any case, even if it was “federal” and you wouldn’t call the state govt federal, Firestone is still a sovereign state, Firestone is NOT a union state of the United States so that would not make our FBI a member of the United States government.
i sign this with absolutely 0 expectations
implying Firestone is a seperatist state from the union
Firestone, unlike other ro states, is disconnected from the United States.
I know many other ro states use US precedent while Firestone doesn’t, Firestone law is based on US law but does not inharently follow US law and precedent, and honestly, I love that about Firestone.
Does it really matter though? I mean we called it the Firestone Department of Homeland Security, it’s a video game. I don’t understand why people love to bring up the fact that it’s “federal” as if it affects anything we did
Firestone is functionally its own nation
unless it’s Colorado. Colorado is the only real place in the United States.
even tho fed would never do it…
/s/ fmr. dhs sec. mega
Coming from someone who has been in Firestone since the opening of V2 alpha and served in FSP, DHS having worked for FPS/SS/CRT, and FNG for 4+ years, it won’t matter whether or not DHS comes back. Alot of the posts above are missing the point in this dispute. Over the whole span of my time here, I have seen many things newly emerge with some changing ever so unexpectedly, from the establishment of SCSO SWAT, repeated rebranding of FBI, abolishment of SF to newly establishing Bravo Company, turned to Army Rangers, etc. Despite that, those new teams have managed to still perform at optimal level as the old/previous members have remained. Has major change been a challenge to manage initially? Yes, but that learning curve comes with all things new and will even out.
Ultimately, it comes down to who is left within the community to staff the agencies we have. Its the people working who make the difference. They set the standards and define how operations are run. Changing names, adding, or merging, won’t make it better or worse. The question should be whether the state can maintain the same quality individuals to successfully function in game, not what departments should or should not be there. The answer is obvious. Its the aging out of members that is affecting the community, not the removal of an agency. The quality of existing departments have already gone down over time due to this.
The state of Firestone has been in existence for 7 years and by now, even the youngest conceivable age possible has completed schooling and is out or working. People have gotten older, left, and moved on. Priorities have changed. If this happened pre 2020, things would have gone fine and we’d be able to adapt accordingly. However, we can’t keep holding on to old ways. As much as we may feel nostalgic and not wanting to change including myself, Firestone has reached the point of time where everything has to come to an end. It has been long overdue. Butting heads with outsiders and complaining about how DHS ran so much better than municipal or someone’s lack of experience will not improve quality. We have to accept the current situation and hand it over to the next batch of people to either continue on or rebrand the genre as a whole to their choosing. Provide the guidance and knowledge we possessed from our time and let them take it from there.
TLDR: Times have changed and will always evolve, trying to hold on to what was there will only hurt us all and prolong the inevitable outcome.
you must be new here… lmao.
he is just not very smart
Not happening.
off topic but redwoods boring can you give us some cool shit please <3
Turned down by community leadership.