what departments are struggling with numbers? nobody wants to join municipals if that’s the department you’re referencing
Great idea
I guarantee most people would leave PDP if dhs was readded
Maybe if we abolished three departments to replace it with 1, that could boost numbers
a number of the people in municipal departments are incompetent. the command members are competent but some of the officer bodies are incompetent and dhs would never accept them. i’ve seen it first hand, and there’s nothing training divisions can do to fix an officer’s behavior on duty. that’s my take on it. we’re struggling to find competent officers. most of them are in department command and there’s a decent amount of them in the overall statewide officer body, but it would strip the departments bare of members if we ever re-established dhs
I most certainlysupport this
support, abolishing municipal police departments would also rise employee count in DHS
Support, municipal PDs were tried and arent great. Bring back the department we all worked hard to get in
i support
even if i tried to do the petition ting with a help of some people fed will never approve of it and i do not see this happening anytime soon
those people arent qualified to join dhs fym
The only way he would even consider changing it is if a ton of us made a point we wanted it back. It doesn’t hurt to try
dhs = noobs
Cap you left for fbi
as the previous future DHS secretary, this post is STUPID!
@FedoraMasterB98 i can’t believe they dont trust the ESU!