Petition for Senator DiazEdmundo to resign

on a serious note the issue is the double standard and all the other issues diaz has presented

for someone so zealous on expulsion he has suddenly activated the breaks; opting to be inconsistent


No support diaz is good senator auto is bad

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ty and agree

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ur the one calling him zealous even tho u tried barred a guy permanently because he hurt your feelings?

are you really serving the people, are you really doing this for the good of the state? or are you just doing it because diaz finally stood up to the political elite and was a threat to your power

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if you consider 99.8% of his legislative portfolio being bullshit expulsions that are barely legal as ‘standing up to the political elite’ then sure i guess so :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Auto respectfully: you were involved in a false flag plot, you’ve committed numerous felonies, are one of the most toxic people in this group and all around have a cult of people who you sick after people. You’re beyond toxic and honestly it was an overdue expulsion. No support.

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You have absolutely no room to be speaking here.

You were acting two-faced during the expulsion of Automationeer. Informing other parties and then writing the expulsion yourself.


im sorry but what you’re saying is literally spewing just out of your mouth because you got offended and went on a crybaby spree a few weeks back

the investigation hasn’t come out, no results from it; weird how auto was expelled for the reasoning of being INVESTIGATING while others have not

we are on roblox, just to give you a reminder.

expulsion doesn’t even state it was for toxicity or anything close to that.


i already had it drafted before the whole thing happened, i simply handed over what i had to them and they used it lol

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@TheFutureArchitect @cooldudesub @EpicXboxDude

^ The cult of DiazEdmundo. Watch out boys. We got the gang spreading propaganda cause they mad their friend will be gone soon. Also, don’t forget Diaz resigning from the Prominence District Council because he knew he was wrong and knew he did some stupid stuff there, so if he screwed up big time in the municipalities, in no way should he be trusted in the state.

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ethan_playtime, 19th support

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So you are petitioning to remove a man who, at this point, in his two weeks in office has… probably done nothing.

He campaigned on his ideas and he was duly elected by more people who supported those ideas than those that didn’t.

Until/unless he has done something illegal or egregiously immoral it seems short-sighted at best.


he has been in office for roughly ten weeks and done nothing meaningful in that time, except:

  • propose bogus expulsions (look at his post history for some insight)
  • accidentally delete the charge of destroying evidence for about 8 hours because he didn’t check the numbers he put in a bill

Technically Ex senator automationeer has done worse things. Why are we paying attention to diaz when the real culprit has been right under your noses. Its automationeer she has commited heinous crimes against the state and its people. She is the criminal why dont we ban her from trying to work in a government job. Plus she has acted very immature while in senate.


please list what i have done

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Why are you acting like committing crimes months ago (that were expunged) = expulsion? Do you even know what you’re saying? all you do is spam and spew random things and call it a sentence.

Record was pardoned, meaning they’re not a criminal anymore

not even a crime


yall have no concept of what waiting for a investigation is, opting to then expell auto instead of waiting.

it doesnt take a lawyer to explain the core system of justice, something you (being diaz) should’ve learned in your fucking middle school civics class.
sorry, i forgot. you didnt graduate middle school.

ONTOP OF THAT, this all stems from the word of a man who comitted a false flag that they were told in VC… listen to yourselves. christ.

i dont agree with what happened either but you WAIT FOR INVESTIGATION. even float, etc should not have been barred yet, as obvious as his involvement is.


Not signed. It would be nice to have more insight on what Senator Diaz has done to call for this petition.

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